Example sentences of "[modal v] not stand the " in BNC.

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1 I used to like giving poetry readings , but in the end I had to give up , for I could not stand the socializing afterwards , as if my poetry had just been the excuse for a drinking spree à la Dylan Thomas .
2 I could not stand the ridiculous questions people came and posed about my work : ‘ But how do you find such interesting subjects for your poems , Mr Kirkup ? ’
3 That meant that they could not stand the Central Office youths involved in the nuts and bolts of the campaign .
4 But I could not stand the humiliation of crossing the Allenby Bridge — at my age , being stripped and searched by a Zionist , Jew , a Pole , a Russian or a Romanian who is living in my country , in my home , asking me questions and searching me .
5 Before long he ‘ could not stand the horrid hotels all by myself …
6 I remember one lad , Nobby Clark , who could not stand the pace .
7 Our minds could not stand the constant battering of immediate reaction to the myriad perceptions to which we are subject all the time .
8 But a factory job was out because she could not stand the noise , and her preference for a more intellectual activity ‘ is rather pitiful in view of the girl 's lack of general education and the nature of her former illness ’ .
9 The Maggot referred to himself as a ‘ good old country boy ’ which description provoked Ellen , who could not stand the sight of him , to comment that John Maggovertski was to country what the serpent was to Eden .
10 He offered me his spare bed for the night , but I could not stand the stench of the creek , and I wanted to make an early start on the work I had to do on Wavebreaker , so I caught the bus to McIllvanney 's boatyard .
11 Earlier , he was accused of insulting the Africans by holding his nose because he could not stand the smell .
12 Earlier , he was accused of insulting the Africans by holding his nose because he could not stand the smell .
13 She could not stand the thought of having a she-cat which would one day give birth to a large litter in her nice clean home and she did not wait to find out whether or not she-cats could be neutered .
14 The new upheaval was too much for him ; his heart could not stand the strain . ’
15 Sadly , the underlying amateurishness of the organization could not stand the strain and the Guild disintegrated in 1888 .
16 But she could not stand the thought of doing nothing for two months .
17 ‘ My brother could not stand the man . ’
18 Well we , as I say we were eleven hundred feet above sea level and er and we were , really moved here because er I could not stand the er , the bad weather
19 Rory was just another one , he 'd not stand the comparison either , Parr was the real thing .
20 He could n't stand the idea of going back to the section-house , so he had taken a series of private lodgings .
21 At first the thought of going back to work made me shudder because I could n't stand the thought of leaving Danielle for an hour let alone a whole day , but once my husband Dave and I had left Danielle with a babysitter a couple of times , I realised that she would still be there when I came back and that she would be fine .
22 Brian came home because Daddy could n't stand the thought of him hanging off a cliff .
23 Maybe she could n't stand the loneliness without him .
24 ‘ My heart could n't stand the strain . ’
25 ‘ Dad could n't stand the smell of her cigars . ’
26 ‘ Well , one guy could n't stand the pace and Ray Walter broke his wrist and went home , and there 's an Argie , Angel Solis de Gonzales , ex-Mirage pilot , trying to make it as a pro .
27 I just could n't stand the cold any more … all I 'd have to do was roll over the side … it was time to end it all … anything would be better than this !
28 By the end of that season , when he won his first championship by a large margin , I had little doubt who had achieved the triumph : Niki is no braggart , but in the first of many longish talks , he explained to me that his nature was such that he really just could n't stand the second-rate ; and if you saw the second-rate around you , you had a clear choice — either you cleared out and found yourself the first-rate or you simply demanded that second-rate people became first-rate .
29 I was not allowed to play when Mum and Dad were in because they could n't stand the din , so I had to wait until they were down the pub to enjoy myself .
30 In fact , although he accepted the commission , Mozart never completed all the pieces , later confessing that he could n't stand the flute ( but that was many years before The Magic Flute ) .
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