Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] readily [be] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , realism may most readily be viewed as a reaction to the attempt to construct a formal science of law founded on what may be termed the case method ; that is , the assumption that , by close examination of past judicial decisions , the basic principles of law could be deduced .
2 For instance , when poor forms part of an identifying phrase with liar it is natural that its notion of DEFICIENT should most readily be understood to mean a deficiency in the matter of lying ; when a speaker chooses not to use poor attributively but in the predicative construction then a natural inference is that he or she intends the notion DEFICIENT to be taken in the way more typical of human beings in general , that is referring to their material resources .
3 The most important Old World sources of corundum are located in Thailand , Burma , Sri Lanka , Kashmir and Afghanistan , which shared the characteristic that they could most readily be tapped by the India trade to the west .
4 One of the chief limitations on cowries as currency is that their value was liable to be severely depressed by reason of the huge quantities in which they occur in some areas and the fact that they could so readily be transported by ship .
5 They were uniform but occurred in such abundance and could so readily be transported that even when they were taken over as currency they could only serve as a rule for small change .
6 This plug could not readily be used for all the connections since a dedicated line is not available on it , whereas on the ROM location is dedicated to that specific address block .
7 However , other difficulties remained : sentences that could not readily be decomposed into ’ SUBJECT and PREDICATE ’ form also proved troublesome .
8 The 20 year interval between the first influx of nuclear workers in the late 1950s and the cluster of cases near Dounreay beginning in 1979 could not readily be explained since the excesses usually followed fairly quickly on other types of population mixing .
9 The " old men " may have also left patches of unworked ground which could now readily be worked with explosives .
10 I have in fairness to say that there is no hard evidence for this ; but it seems possible that if such a case of misidentification had occurred , it would not readily be admitted .
11 It is clear that fires in the storages discussed would more readily be controlled by well-designed and appropriate automatic systems than by fire brigade action because :
12 Thus , a statutory provision allowing recourse to an alternative remedy will not readily be interpreted as requiring the alternative redress to be sought at the expense of an application to a court .
13 The accepted pattern of wage differentials need not be absolutely rigid , but , for as long as the supply of labour in one market depends inter alia upon wages payable in other markets , money wage reductions will not readily be forthcoming .
14 Claims ( for what they may be worth ) for indemnity from a miscreant partner will more readily be encountered in the context of fraudulent activities in relation to the misapplication of money or property received for or in custody of the firm , to which s11 of the Partnership Act is directed : In the following cases ; namely — ( a ) Where one partner acting within the scope of his apparent authority receives the money or property of a third person and misapplies it ; and ( b ) Where a firm in the course of its business receives money or property of a third person , and the money or property so received is misapplied by one or more of the partners while it is in the custody of the firm ; the firm is liable to make good the loss .
15 There are therefore different aspects of the functionalist style which can most readily be seen as tensions between empiricism and rationalism or positivism and idealism .
16 This can most readily be done with the aid of a computer , and if your agency does not have the facilities , several of the media owners and one or two computer bureaux have suitable programs available on a fee basis .
17 This information can most readily be obtained from the International Legal Aid Association Directory .
18 Many of the important properties of products , and particularly cosmetic products , are assessed subjectively , e.g. , appearance , colour , odour , taste , texture , and can not readily be expressed in numerical terms .
19 An unacceptable deterioration of glycaemic control occurs when control can not readily be restored by a minor alteration of the treatment regimen .
20 There are times when conditions develop which can not readily be related to known disease conditions .
21 Like the differences discussed earlier in this chapter , the split between holists and individualists over what is to be accepted as given runs extremely deep , and can not readily be resolved on its own .
22 However , the complexity of his task is such that it can not readily be summarised in a few words .
23 Effects of [ CO 2 ] , however , can not readily be distinguished from those of human impact and concurrent climate change .
24 Those who have regular access to private transport may find their social activities increasing , while the relatively immobile may experience an increase in their wishes to make social visits which can not readily be satisfied .
25 The fact that these costs can not readily be quantified or fall outside the fundholding sector does not mean that they should be overlooked .
26 The most fundamental criticism challenges the contention that productivity in the service sector must necessarily remain low , because human tasks such as cooking , nursing or teaching can not readily be replaced by machines .
27 Kuenen ( 1 950 ) has also pointed to two features which can not readily be explained by the subsidence theory .
28 Because of the extent of such powerful human action Sherlock concluded that there were indications that the doctrine of uniformitarianism had been carried too far , believing that the present , which has been so modified by human action can not readily be the key to the past , when the extent of human modification and human influence was significantly less .
29 Moreover , its observed non-hydrostatic mass distribution can not readily be understood as a hydrostatic state ‘ frozen ’ from an earlier environment , such as when it was closer to the Earth .
30 The summary follows its original uniformly , section by section , except in the following ways : ( i ) Nietzsche frequently alludes , without explaining the allusions , to more or less well-known features of Greek tragedy or the Greek world ; he gives virtually no dates for artists , thinkers , or events , ancient or modern ; and he sometimes makes points that rest , clearly enough , on unstated presuppositions , but points that can not readily be summarized without reconstructing each presupposition and making it fully explicit .
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