Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] into account " in BNC.

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1 In other words , they must take into account another meaning of the word structure ( see page 70 ) in the sense that it is the basic framework fur the choreographic design .
2 Dimension immediately suggests that the choreographer must take into account the space in which the dancers move .
3 To communicate the meaning of any story or theme based on real life , choreographers must take into account all the facets of modern thought and behaviour .
4 West Country Living : Where you ca n't overlook the sea Anyone thinking of living in the region must take into account the waterside factor , says Marcus Palliser
5 Anyone contemplating living in the West Country must take into account the waterside factor .
6 Therefore , the analysis of hearing people 's skills in BSL is not simply a matter of eliciting deaf people 's views on hearing BSL users , but must take into account a societal element not apparent in the evaluation of skills in , say , french .
7 So one must take into account the effects of one 's actions on the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the desires of all those affected , along the lines of preference utilitarianism .
8 Meaning is not simply in an utterance , irrespective of the participants : to understand it we must take into account the inter-subjectivity of the participants , addressing ourselves to such questions as who controls the meaning and the nature of the reference .
9 Any judgment on the preferability of fixed or floating exchange rates must take into account these considerations and recognize that it is a matter of balancing advantages against disadvantages .
10 The legacies of these origins have persisted and there has never been agreement on the nature of international affairs , on the proper methods for studying them , or on the range of elements which theories of them must take into account .
11 In particular , if one is examining the effects of some early experience on adult behaviour , one must take into account the events in the intervening period .
12 In other words , science does not disprove the resurrection : the resurrection is one of the facts which science must take into account .
13 There is , however , one classical restriction which we must take into account , namely the resolving power of optical instruments .
14 The librarian is not , however , tied to a developmental programme or syllabus , and need not consider any other aspects of educational growth , such as the teacher in school must take into account .
15 Being able to find out for oneself has a number of contributory sub-skills attached to it , and in planning resource-based programmes for our classes we must take into account such sub-skills so that we can give the chance for them to develop and mature .
16 Hence , any adequate analysis must take into account the intersection of capitalist , patriarchal and racist structures in order to understand gender relations in contemporary British society .
17 In considering the exercise of their powers the local authority must take into account matters which they ought to take into account , ignore matters which they ought not to take into account and then reach a decision which is not so unreasonable that no reasonable local authority could have come to it .
18 Here we must take into account , as our only other substantial piece of evidence , a telegram sent to Washington on the evening of 14 May by Alexander Kirk , the US Political Adviser at AFHQ .
19 SSDs must take into account that contributions from black elders under such schemes are likely to be less than those of their white counterparts .
20 When considering the on-cost on stocks the builder must take into account the employment costs of storekeepers , stock lost owing to obsolescence and deterioration , insurance , interest on capital invested , and overhead costs associated with administration and floor space .
21 Assuming that you have determined that the line is biased to starboard , and you therefore want to start near the starboard end of the line , there are still a number of considerations which you must take into account before you can put yourself in the right place as the gun is fired .
22 The position of the minister , and the broad range of policy considerations that he must take into account , precludes this .
23 It argued that education should be child-centred ; it could take the form of either ‘ multilateral ’ schools or a dual system of grammar/technical schools and modern/technical schools ( rather than a tripartite system ) , but must take into account variation in ability and aptitude between children .
24 The final deal must take into account every sector of an all-industry package , because every sector of the industry is affected .
25 We must take into account that evidence , as well as the other evidence , which seems to point the other way but has not been statistically upheld and has never been put before us in any form that we could check or examine .
26 The Home Secretary is not bound to act on the advice of the inspectorate of constabulary , but he must take into account a large number of other factors .
27 Surely any comparison between past and present must take into account the £4.25 billion that was added to value-added tax .
28 Any future marketing and promotional strategies must take into account the desirability of increasing the number of new visitors , particularly tourists , by promoting RBG effectively to tourists in Edinburgh , outside Edinburgh and overseas .
29 On the question of German unification , the communiqué observed only that any development " must take into account the security of Germany 's neighbours and of all other states " .
30 However , since the early 1970s exchange rates have been floating instead of fixed ; this means that , if the investor ultimately intends to liquidate the investment and repatriate the proceeds , he must take into account not only the risk associated with investing in overseas securities markets , but also the exchange rate risk : the risk of adverse movements in the exchange rate .
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