Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] been expect " in BNC.

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31 Beliefs which had become established almost as folk-law , such as the universally harmful effects of too much salt , had less support than might have been expected .
32 The effects on public expenditure have not been as drastic as might have been expected .
33 The remaining populace , disillusioned with their rulers and protectors , accordingly greeted the French emperor and his men with less hostility than might have been expected .
34 Apart from these texts there are a few which are revealing for the opposite reason : they deny the existence of a trust where it might have been expected .
35 Merckx was known as ‘ the cannibal ’ , so often did he scoop up the prizes , even in minor events when he might have been expected to allow minor or local riders to have their day .
36 Town might have been expected to dispose of a side they have already beaten twice this season , but not necessarily with ten men for 68 minutes of the game .
37 It was obvious to them that Danzig , up to the advent of the Nazis , had been far freer from racial strife and entrenched national rivalry than might have been expected in such a complex and explosive economic and political environment .
38 Though those parents who were able to escape to England might have been expected to accept immediate responsibility for their offspring , this was often not practicable .
39 However , they also escaped the severe censure that might have been expected from the high-minded moralists who strutted busily through the Victorian England of his day .
40 The casualty rate so far was no more than might have been expected from the hazardous nature of the operation , and although he could not , in all honesty , say he was in command of the whole ship , he at least held the strategic upper hand .
41 than might have been expected .
42 The parameters used to select patients for the trial , however , could have indicated several remedies other than Rhus toxicodendron , and the chances of any particular patient responding to the Rhus toxicodendron were little better than might have been expected by chance alone .
43 When John Wesley visited the county in 1773 he found support at Rye , as might have been expected , but little elsewhere : the locals were too fond of the smuggling and intemperance he preached so strongly against .
44 But Trafalgar caved in , and its chief executive is leaving the company earlier than might have been expected .
45 These figures , as might have been expected , show a dramatic increase in the use of mail order .
46 The other member , who might have been expected to buy it for his own son , a young man recently qualified in law , did not at first do so ; he said business was unreliable , there were not enough clients , the reputation of the firm had been allowed to run down .
47 Nevertheless his reaction now was less than might have been expected , for he was an impressionable man where women were concerned .
48 Harriet , as might have been expected , behaved admirably .
49 She was , in fact , somewhat ashamed that Edna was witness to so many things which , coming from a large , poor but loving family , must surely be incomprehensible to the girl : Liza 's aversion to picking up her child , never attempting to play with Celia , her obvious relief when Edna performed such tasks which any normal mother might have been expected to undertake willingly .
50 There is a minor mystery about this mode , for Tolkien might have been expected not to like it .
51 We controlled the game better than might have been expected but this game is different and , however much you plan things , a goal can change everything .
52 The Army in their Heads of Proposals offered the King terms which he might have been expected to find much more acceptable .
53 The popularity of Taylor 's devotional books , his sufferings for the Church , his piety , engaging manner , and contacts in influential Royalist circles might have been expected to qualify him for high preferment in the restored Church in 1660 .
54 Hence , ‘ the relationship between the size of the employing unit and the number of young people recruited each year was not as close as might have been expected ’ ( ibid. , p. 47 ) .
55 It might have been expected that such a paper from Nägeli , who was one of the most distinguished botanists in Europe at that time , would have had immense impact on the early development of plant ecology .
56 The British came to Cannes with some pomp and ceremony and , for a disintegrating industry , made a bigger splash than might have been expected .
57 Mergers are usually disturbing to employees and managers alike , and a merger of nearly 600 undertakings might have been expected to create more pain than most .
58 An association between the ACE/ID polymorphism and blood pressure might have been expected from its anticipated effect on vascular tone and architecture .
59 Considering the extensive area the complex covered and the large and varied number of the inmates , considerably more guards or prison officers might have been expected , with a much more rigid control over the movements and integration of the prisoners .
60 The planters might have been expected to see that slavery in the West Indies was wastefully debilitating , for the slaves died so fast that new ones had continuously to be brought in .
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