Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] the rest " in BNC.

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1 Those external demands provide a time-frame within which you must organize the rest of your activities and focus your attention .
2 I really must finish the rest of it which I have n't done at the moment , because I 've been doing other things .
3 They must spend the rest of their lives mourning her and blaming themselves .
4 ‘ Now they are husband and wife they must spend the rest of their life together . ’
5 The twin moves by a company that previously described itself as an out-and-out , dyed-in-the-wool Unix bigot with great hopes for the MIPS RISC chip must leave the rest of the Unix community at least edgy despite the fact that Corollary says the bulk of its energies are still directed toward Unix .
6 Once you have made your choice you should put the rest away out of sight , as they will only muddle you and make the job a lot more difficult .
7 Cursory reading of the financial pages over the past few months would have left the average reader with the impression that while the US and UK economies were laboriously but undeniable clambering out of the recessionary trough , Japan was flat on its back and looking like getting worse before it got better , and that high interest rates in Germany were plunging that economy into a recessionary black hole and dragging most of the rest of the continent with it — now comes a report from International Data Corp saying its Global IT Survey of 5,000 computer executives , 500 chief executives and finance chiefs , and 1,100 local network managers in six biggest economies indicates that growth in computer spending will rise 2% to 3% in 1993 and , surprise , surprise — the US and the UK should outperform the rest of Europe and Japan .
8 Let's do the rest of the experiments and see if you can prove me wrong . ’
9 I 'll throw the rest away .
10 ‘ I 'll make the rest of the fish into a kedgeree , ’ Belinda told him .
11 I 'll eat the rest .
12 As for the game itself , Hare has a philosophy which might make the rest of us win .
13 As for the game itself , Hare has a philosophy which might make the rest of us win .
14 Rather , it is because , ‘ Weary of living in a continual state of war , and of enjoying liberty rendered useless by the uncertainty of preserving it , [ we ] sacrifice a part so that [ we ] might enjoy the rest of it in peace and safety ’ ( p. 11 ) .
15 I think they believe that all they have to do is to turn up and they 'll beat the rest of us .
16 Now it 'll give the rest of the country the benefit of its experience of the problem .
17 You give him three quid and I 'll give the rest in .
18 They 'll do the rest .
19 All you have to do is fill in a simple form available from any Birmingham Midshires branch , and we 'll do the rest .
20 To book on to any of the seminars , or to receive a complete package of information including an up-to-date list of the forthcoming dates and venues BE SURE TO RETURN THE COUPON TODAY AND SECURE YOUR SUCCESS FOR THE FUTURE ( For more information simply attach business card — we 'll do the rest ) .
21 I 'll do the rest . ’
22 So she says if you just write me a letter and get your wife to sign it , we 'll do the rest , put your three hundred pounds in the in with your application .
23 I 'll do the rest . ’
24 Hush your noise and see to your journeymen , and I 'll do the rest . ’
25 Certainly when we get settled in after Christmas that should be and I 'll shall say about six rolls but I 'll shall say six rolls and just the every time I get one roll of wallpaper up and you you 'll think oh I 'll do the rest tomorrow just a bit more , then you get one more looks alright there , the other wall and er , I 'm sat , I 've been up all night doing this shall do one more then I 'll go a bed , I get from the wife bloody hell mother what time did you go to bed , about an hour ago , could n't leave it wallpaper .
26 I said to him yesterday wash all your important little places and I 'll do the rest , you know .
27 I 'll watch the rest of Newsnight in bed I think .
28 I 'll send the rest to the bungalow , and when you 've rested you can explore the town and , ’ with a sly chuckle , ‘ go on a shopping spree . ’
29 Then I might spend the rest
30 And even if it has n't , maybe Rohmer can see to it that you 'll spend the rest of your life behind bars along with Jimmy Devlin ?
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