Example sentences of "[conj] wait for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Buy a 944 — or wait for the forthcoming 968 .
2 Oliver asked whether they should go after Barbara Coleman or wait for the others .
3 If you 've had to put a plan on ice or wait for an opportune moment to announce a life-expanding decision then you need wait no longer .
4 By seeming to do little more than wait for the economy to get better by itself , President Bush condemned himself .
5 Pluck a London-based journalist out of the office ; put him or her on a train with a party heavyweight ; and wait for a slice of prime grassroots ham to arrive .
6 Once the message was on the wire , he had little else to do except sit back and wait for a few days .
7 Yesterday West Yorkshire officers advised women to stay in their cars and wait for a patrol if they break down .
8 It might seem a smaller risk to stick to stores and wait for a retailing boom to return .
9 If your flow of ideas dries up , return to your central idea and wait for a new thought .
10 The resulting larvae sit on the sand or climb up any grass present and wait for a mammal to pass by .
11 He said she was to go to Ludgate Circus , stand on the south corner of Fleet Street at 6.30 p.m. and wait for a cab to pull in and pick her up .
12 of your block of flats and wait for a sign .
13 They 've given her something and she , she had to put this stuff on her hair , had to take a trip to the hairdresser and he said to the hairdresser comb my hair first and then put this stuff on and wait for a fortnight and it did come a little lighter , but it was n't much
14 The creatures of the open sea , then , live either in the plankton ; or live in the waters beneath and browse upon the plankton — or live upon the browsers ; or they live on the bottom , and wait for the planktonic manna to rain upon them from above ; or they feed on the creatures that feed upon the bottom .
15 In fact , you can argue and remonstrate until you are blue in the face but certain plans or arrangements can not be progressed just yet and you must simply sit tight and wait for the Full Moon in Aries on the 14th before making any drastic changes or decisions .
16 One person , on being informed that he has a life-threatening illness , will sit back in sad acceptance and wait for the end to come .
17 There were no books in the room so all I could do was look out of the window and wait for the quarterly chimes from the Cathedral Clock .
18 Silent amid the crowd 's applause , they breathe deeply and steadily as they mount the bike , control the trembling of the hands and wait for the time-keeper 's ‘ Allez ! ’
19 Seated in one of Kanazawa Industrial University library 's viewing booths , they just pick the tape they want to see front the list displayed , punch in its number , then sit back and wait for the programme to start .
20 After this she would return to the far wall and wait for the papers to be put back into place , so she could repeat the game .
21 It was only after they had peered into and groped about in what they felt certain was the right cave but found nothing that they decided to withdraw into the trees and wait for the dawn .
22 He advised the ladies to walk towards the town and wait for the men at the first hotel .
23 They would have to send their gear out to be reviewed , and wait for the reviews to come back to know whether or not the product was any good ! ’
24 Or chortle and wait for the next T-shirt ?
25 The wise veterans nod their heads and wait for the first whistle .
26 If you are not sure you can cope , take an oven timer , turn it round to half a minute and wait for the bell to ring .
27 On behalf of their inarticulate owners , these clothes say ‘ I 'm not playing ! ’ and then sit on the sidelines ( so you can see how upset you 've made them ) , and wait for the world to be nice .
28 He is said to sink onto his knee on the track and wait for the train to end his life ; the train crews used to look out for the shadowy figure and shudder .
29 Enjoy the ride down , let the wind fly through your hair , go with the flow , and wait for the big crash .
30 What Robbins has , very cleverly , done is to drop a match into the murky kerosene of American politics and wait for the explosion .
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