Example sentences of "[conj] to create [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now picture a beautiful scene in brilliant sunshine — you might choose to visualise somewhere you know or to create a perfect place in your imagination .
2 This is usually to throw light on the character being played or to create the right atmosphere for the location of the action and for the expressive action required for the unfolding of the plot or theme .
3 The inflexional system of Latin , however , made it freely possible to subvert these norms , for rhetorical effect , to topicalise or focus , or to create the metre-governed structures of poetry .
4 To offer the best was to set a general standard and to create a wider public expectation .
5 But the long period of non-use can be said to amount to a custom , and to create a reasonable expectation that the pattern of restraint should continue in the future ( O'Brien , 1967 , pp. 79–80 ) .
6 Thus did the monastery come to run the valley and to create a classic example of a Pyrenean ‘ pastoral state ’ .
7 In 1986 a green paper , Paying for Local Government ( Cmnd. 9714 ) proposed to replace domestic rates by a poll or community tax , and to create a centrally-determined uniform non-domestic rate .
8 The only solution appeared to be to go round existing denominational organizations and to create a new body which would emphasize non-political aims and gather a following based on individuals , not denominations .
9 Adenauer in 1955 proceeded to set up a Ministry of Defence and to create a new Bundeswehr , whose first members joined up in November .
10 The only way it can be changed after this point is to abort it ( using LIFESPAN option 2.7.0 ) and to create a new DC based on this one .
11 The only way it can be changed after this point is to abort it ( using option 2.7.0 ) and to create a new DC based on this one ( using options 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 ) .
12 The motivation behind the introduction of trust status is the desire to localise management and to create a greater sense of ownership and pride in the service delivered .
13 Agreements were reached with Colombia in June for closer co-operation to combat drug trafficking ; with Brazil in July ( i ) to begin bilateral discussions on economic complementation within the juridical structure of the Latin American Integration Association ( ALADI ) ; ( ii ) for scientific , technical and technological co-operation over three years ; and ( iii ) to combat drug trafficking ; with Argentina in August for the peaceful use of nuclear energy ; with Spain in October for a $2,000 million economic co-operation package ; with Mexico establishing a framework for a free trade pact to ensure common tariffs on imports by June 1991 and to create a bilateral common market by 1995 ; with the USA in November lifting export restrictions on goods from small and medium-sized Chilean firms under the US generalized system of preferences ( GSP ) ; and with Czechoslovakia on future co-operation .
14 Five leading guerrilla commanders of the left-wing Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) issued a declaration on Sept. 25 calling for a " democratic revolution " to end a decade of civil war and the " hegemonic political and economic power of the military and the big oligarchic families , to re-establish the nation 's sovereignty and to create a lasting peace " .
15 The European Space Agency ( ESA ) was of officially born in May 1975 , following a decision to merge ELDO and ESRO and to create a strong European space policy-making body .
16 Striking the balance requires a long lead-in period to allow the land to be cleansed of chemicals and to create a fertile environment through natural manuring and crop rotation .
17 Letters of April and May 1854 urged the government " to proclaim the independence of Poland and to create a mighty Slavonic alliance with Russia at its head and its capital in Constantinople " .
18 You bozos do n't seem to realise it but if we had n't been there at that Florence Conference , would not be in the leading position it currently holds with the commission to guarantee further funds and to create a positive role for Britain in Europe with the commission to wuk look at the issues that are gon na come up in 1993 .
19 He also urged booksellers to open their shops ‘ across trading hours which match when customers want to shop , including Sundays ’ , and to create a bookselling environment in which children would feel comfortable and inspired .
20 The aim of the guidelines is to establish quality assurance systems for the industry and to create a sound basis for further improvement in the areas of health , safety and the environment .
21 Although other vehicles are available — gesture , touch , dress , etc. , all sometimes speak as loudly as words — for action theorists the capacity to give meaning to the world through a shared language enables people to interact socially and to create a social order .
22 In November 1990 , however , the government acknowledged the growing trade links between Australia and Taiwan by announcing its intention to create a Taiwan Market Service in Australia , to encourage the establishment of direct air links between the two countries , and to create an Australian Education Centre in Taipei .
23 He said : ‘ I urge all those who are in a position to do so to use their influence on the men of violence from both sides of the community to end their murderous activities , and to create the only basis on which an enduring peace can be established . ’
24 So , by the end of the nineteenth century , there was little in Co-operation , or in trade unionism , that Owen could have identified directly with his proposals to reconstitute the state as an industrial democracy and to create the productive classes , master-manufacturers and work-people , into a great estate of the realm .
25 Within moments , he is talking about Brecht 's THREEPENNY OPERA pointing out how Brecht invented an abstract London , not in order to escape from the reality of the city , but to create a generalized framework which could be relevant to audiences in many different places .
26 In this case it appears that the bolts have been placed , not for the purpose of protection , but to create an artificial gangway .
27 Even if an officer is working on a pollution problem requiring repeated visits , he continues to do the unpredictable wherever possible to provide the polluter with few opportunities to organize his activities so as to create a spurious impression that things are under control .
28 In the longer term they should go so as to create a real ‘ Europe without frontiers ’ .
29 In the 1960s Kenyatta manipulated sales of formerly white-owned land and businesses in such a way as to create a new class of Kenyan capitalists to replace the old white capitalists , in a no-nonsense determination to both preserve the private sector and to transfer its ownership into African hands .
30 Mr George Gardiner ( C. Reigate ) asked how was Mr Hurd going to explain to ethnic minorities already in this country the strict entry controls on their relatives ‘ while at the same time amending the law so as to create a preferential class of treatment for the Hong Kong Chinese ’ ?
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