Example sentences of "[conj] planning for the " in BNC.

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1 In practice , of course , there may be additional obstacles in obtaining either the screening facilities or planning for the abortion .
2 This occurs when a firm continually has to ‘ look over its shoulder ’ and concentrate on short-term performance targets in order to try and maintain its share price , rather than planning for the future .
3 Mortgage related insurance and planning for the future — Page 16–17
4 In most secondary schools , TVEI has laid the necessary foundations ; but TVEI criteria are ( sensibly ) less specific than the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum , and planning for the latter will need to be sharper .
5 By spreading his proposals over the next three years Norman Lamont sent out the message that he was looking ahead and planning for the future , said Mr Wellerd .
6 Top management might spend too much time in maintenance of the organisation ( ie with problems of administration ) and lose sight of their primary tasks of setting objectives and planning for the future .
7 With the birth less than six weeks away , Jacqui is juggling a hectic schedule between work and planning for the new arrival .
8 As well as supporting the Group 's production units in optimising and controlling process activities , research teams also undertake investigations into the qualities and properties of raw materials , plant design , suitability of packaging materials , environmental issues and the development of new products , and research and planning for the operating units .
9 FOR US , was a good day out , but planning for the Summer Fayre started about eight months ago for the Summer Fayre committee who held their first meeting last October !
10 When planning for the appointment of either additional or replacement medical staff , the manager should have the opportunity to assess the nursing consequences of the appointment .
11 Assuming there is no change in the relevant law , the data on which the aggregated tables is based will not be available for nearly a hundred years , and we have to keep this timescale in mind when planning for the future .
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