Example sentences of "[conj] compared with the " in BNC.

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1 Multiple regression analysis showed no increase in the correlation when the villous height/crypt depth ratio and intraepithelial lymphocyte count together where compared with the cellobiose/ mannitol % ( multiple r=0.50 ) .
2 As the first group of pulses were directed to the satellite high above the Indian Ocean , mixed up with all the other transmissions going out to the Far East , they were snatched out of the ether by the NSA 's giant aerials at Morwenstow 60 miles up the coast to the east of Goonhilly , and compared with the watch lists of ‘ interesting ’ numbers on their computer memories .
3 Pulling the tone pot taps the humbucker , and compared with the middle single coil it seems a little tame .
4 Meanwhile the body of Boromir establishes a similar transverse thread as it drifts down the Great River , to be seen by Faramir , to have the workmanship on its belt noted and compared with the brooches of Sam and Frodo eight days later .
5 Hence word shape information need not be stored in the inverted look-up structure , it can be generated from the matched words at run-time and compared with the shape of the unknown word being searched for .
6 The actual industrial structure of the mid-1960s , by which time the massive Robens-led reduction in mining employment was already underway , is given in Table 3.1 and compared with the situation in 1976 and 1986 .
7 Pooled estimates of treatment differences were calculated for all 49 studies and compared with the estimate derived from the 16 studies that presented standard deviations for either the 17 or 21 item Hamilton scale .
8 With pool data , their total indebtedness account by account can be measured and compared with the ‘ product ’ they prefer to use , measured by their total activity .
9 Finally some other materials were obtained and compared with the flannel .
10 Some further materials were obtained and compared with the charcoal-grey flannel which performed well in the previous experiment .
11 The graphs were drawn and compared with the computed LB- and UB- levels .
12 In the first part , a brief explanation of the various forms of franchise operations , in particular the ‘ Business Format ’ franchise , will be provided and the growth of franchising in the UK will be documented and compared with the situation in the US and Europe .
13 An individual accountant will often be charged with the task of recording project expenditure so that , as at node 9 of Figure 2.2 , it can be fed back and compared with the project plan .
14 In the first section the risk and accident judgment results are reported and compared with the on-road judgments from Study 1 .
15 The products of the number of papers in a given subject field and from a given country , and the mean citation rate calculated for each journal are summed by journal and compared with the observed citation rate .
16 The sample temperature is then monitored by means of a thermocouple and compared with the temperature of an inert reference such as powdered alumina , or simply an empty sample pan , which is subjected to the same linear heating programme .
17 An individual accountant will often be charged with the task of recording project expenditure so that , as at node 9 of Figure 2.2 , it can be fed back and compared with the project plan .
18 In order to determine if this had occurred , the biopsy free leucine enrichments were measured and compared with the plasma free leucine enrichment at the time of taking the biopsy .
19 The absorbance of DNA at 260 nm was determined by a DU-50 series spectrophotometer ( Beckman Instruments , Inc , CA , USA ) and compared with the absorbance at 280 nm .
20 Where the two control groups ( C and U ) were sufficiently similar to appear to be drawn from one parent population , these data were pooled and compared with the test group ( L ) using ANOVA with contrast .
21 The latest issue of the module in LIFESPAN is determined and compared with the directory file .
22 The incidence and mortality from pancreatitis in Finland between 1970 and 1989 were studied and compared with the alcohol consumption in the country and with the incidence of liver cirrhosis and gall stone disease .
23 The dearest holiday 's only three hundred and compared with the
24 as to cheerfulness of character , I really think that any unprejudiced person would come to the conclusion that , if compared with the Post-office , the Museum , the Palace , or even the Board of Trade or Whitehall Chapel , my design would carry the palm in this respect .
25 Or else we assume that the aeons during which the improbable state lasts , and the distance from here to Sirius , are minute if compared with the age and size of the whole universe .
26 It was , however , only a brief-lived aberration if compared with the more complete Victorian revival which happened later .
27 The territorial claims of Pope Adrian IV in 1159 were extremely modest , if compared with the Carolingian donations , and much more realistic , for there was a wide gap between nominal overlordship and reality .
28 But compared with the Monnet ideal in France , or the corporate strategy of Japan , Britain had scarcely planned in any meaningful sense at all .
29 But compared with the potential sacrifice of victims ' rights , this duty is so undemanding that the arguments in its favour are powerful .
30 But compared with the world of De Carlo 's first novel , where the information garnered by the eye leads to no critical interrogation of reality , Palomar 's , and Calvino 's , project seems almost hopeful .
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