Example sentences of "[conj] give the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The evolution of mammals after the Cretaceous was both extremely rapid and very complex , and we can do no more than give the roughest sketch here .
2 The effect is so fascinating that my friend has pockets full of peppermint bits and a sizable bill for Polo and Trebor , the mints that give the best results .
3 The living amphibians that give the best impression of the appearance of the early ones are the salamanders and newts .
4 See their gills distend with the movement and the flurry of pectoral fins that give the subtle shunting manoeuvre .
5 It 's the needles that knit the cotton thread only that give the lacy effect .
6 Aim for a list that give the widest possible choice and price range ; whilst there will be friends and colleagues who will club together to buy you a present , others will want to buy something on their own .
7 It is part of the great skill of the storytellers and the compilers of this material that they repeat events or speeches , but with subtle changes that give the larger narrative not just variety , but tension and further layers of meaning .
8 Charles Leece , of Ferranti , emphasised industry 's need for resists that give the same results every time , and that are free of impurities larger than 0.1 micrometres .
9 They lamb easily , producing wonderfully tasty meat lambs when crossed with a Ryeland sire , and give the softest of fleeces at shearing time in a variety of attractive shades , ideal for hand spinning and knitting .
10 It is our aim to offer this combination of skills to the wider market and give the best engine overhauls and support available ’ .
11 From tables 2.4 and 2.5 it can be seen that as gram size increases , processing time increases ( because a larger tree takes longer to build ) , but the shorter lists are comparatively quick to build , and give the best reduction .
12 The introduction of air into the peritoneal cavity would push the lung up even further and give the diseased part a chance to rest .
13 His full support for the anti-Saddam coalition has not been universally popular : hence his latest diplomatic effort , which he must hope will still redound to his credit and give the Soviet Union a useful base on which to build a role in the post-war Middle East .
14 Most of his staff are currently on strike because they have n't been paid for two months , so Soliz is going personally to open the new group and give the first lesson .
15 It 's time to stop supporting Linfield , John , and give the other clubs the credit they deserve .
16 Both men stand stiffly to attention , and give the traditional Japanese jerky bow to each other .
17 Firstly , there is worry about the quality assessment of the procedure and secondly the availability of people to interpret the findings and give the right advice .
18 To make this silver anniversary picture , you could either press the flowers used to celebrate the day itself or you could press a selection of flowers beforehand and give the finished picture as a present at the time of the anniversary .
19 The ‘ survival ’ column of Table 10.5 based on current mortality experience , at the time of the calculation , can be used to reduce the fertility figures and give the net reproduction rate
20 If you do n't have a number , ring the Coastguard who will be only too pleased to hear from you and give the relevant contacts .
21 They have no relevance to the story , but do bring us up to date and give the all-important illusion of gravitas which accompanies everything Branagh does .
22 Mr Patten told legislators : ‘ We wished to go the extra mile and give the Chinese side every opportunity to respond .
23 In Svidrigailov 's America there is no air to struggle for , and no rain to soften hearts and freshen cities and give the excluded ( or self-excluding ) man occasion for jokes about fear and death .
24 Last night the Jewson League team put up a tremendously committed performance to underline their quality and give the visiting attackers and mid-field men a hard time .
25 Please make sure that EVERY class that operated at any time during 1990 is included ( even if now not running ) and give the maximum number on the roll .
26 But he never wanted to do anything but sit in his study , go to the university and give the same old lectures , year after year .
27 ‘ So I said to him , ’ said John , ‘ do me a favour and go back to America and give the Red Indians home rule . ’
28 We will therefore allot the melody to the whole of the strings except double basses , and give the accompanying chords to a suitable wind group , doubling the bass with the double basses for greater depth and impressiveness .
29 At halftime , he 'd come on to the pitch and give the whole team extra-strong mints , rearrange the tactics , change our positions , tell us we were playing downhill in the second half , tell us that a six-goal deficit was nothing .
30 There is a real danger that the kind of compulsive behaviour described by Neil Frude and others will become much more widespread given the massive increase in personal computing unless we alter our image of the subject and give the social skills necessary greater emphasis . .
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