Example sentences of "[conj] set [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was claiming that next year his chairmanship would last a day longer than set down in the rules .
2 Although set up in 1974 in response to outcries about huge increases in domestic rates , it never came near to recommending their abolition or even their substantial replacement with another tax .
3 Kelsen further holds , in one of his most mysterious doctrines , that the primacy of the principle of delegation means that even a determination outside the frame is valid and binding unless and until set aside by a higher decision .
4 One of the spoke machines from the Road Vehicle Shop was adapted ; cutter block was quickly made and set up by the tool-room , but two dimensions could not be attained in this process .
5 To provide water for farmers and city dwellers , three sections of the marsh were surrounded with dikes and set aside from development , each one a kind of captured remnant of Everglades , but wholly for man 's use .
6 Effective though it proved , the device of holding down output in the hope of driving up prices brought with it problems not to be found in any economics textbook : the global output ceiling , if set realistically in relation to demand , can easily prove too small to be divided amicably .
7 Before considering the automatic directions , it is as well to remember that ( although they will be sufficient in most instances ) they are only the bare bones of the directions the parties may need in a personal injury case , and do not prevent the parties seeking any further directions they may need under Ord 25 whether set out in PF51 or not .
8 Wallowa Reservation as set up by the Commissioners in 1873
9 Planning control as set up by the 1947 Act was not therefore revolutionary but evolutionary , building on aspects of the Town and Country Planning Acts of 1932 and 1944 which extended the requirement for planning permission to the whole of the country , albeit ineffectively .
10 Usually LIFESPAN can be called up by typing one word , as set up by the LIFESPAN Manager , and details are given by the Help facility .
11 The use of titles encourages you to see individuals as set firmly into their social slots .
12 By the time a nurse qualifies and becomes eligible for registration on the UKCC 's Professional Register , she will have satisfied the competencies ( relevant to her specialism ) for the registered nurse as set down in Rule 18 of the Nurses , Midwives and Health Visitors Rules Approval Order 1983 S-I-1983 No 873 .
13 In addition , he confirmed that the previously scheduled municipal and regional elections would go ahead on Nov. 8 , that elections for a new Congress would be held on Feb. 23 , 1993 , and that he would not remain in office beyond his term of 1995 , as set down in the 1979 Constitution .
14 The defendants ' actions were not detrimental to road safety and were exceptional cases as set out under article 11 of AETR ,
15 It accuses the British government of failing to meet its commitments to protect marine wildlife as set out under the RAMSAR wetlands convention , and says that urgent action is needed to save the estuaries .
16 The judge 's description of her evidence , as set out at pp. 359–360 , was :
17 for overseas targets , use the M&A network as set out at 0612 below
18 The figures quoted in these illustrations comply with the rates of return ( and other factors ) as set out on the LAUTRO bases , the higher illustration representing a future rate of return of 13% per annum and the lower illustration representing a future rate of return of 8 ½%; per annum .
19 The sevenfold purpose of RE as set out on pages 50 – 2 represents the basic thrust of the confessional , the HCD and the phenomenological models respectively in the three aims each given under Sections A and B.
20 Call upon Councillor to move the adoption of the cycle of meetings for 1991 ninety two as set out on the Council Agenda , together with amendment C standing in his name .
21 And even if an uncommissioned but critical ethnography is not considered to be in breach of the Official Secrets Act , it will most likely be construed as structural espionage and lie in breach of the Police Discipline Code as set out in Police Regulations .
22 He himself always adhered to the layering method , as set out in his first publication , the smaller Dictionary of 1724 : ‘ In the Spring prick a great many Holes with an Awl about a Joint that will be in the earth and cover it would a good Mound to peg it down . ’
23 The basic objective of the I.D.P. as set out in that Regulation was to ‘ improve working and living conditions in the Western Isles ’ through a series of measures designed ’ .... to improve agriculture ; to improve the marketing of agricultural ( and fisheries ) products — including the afforestation of marginal land , operations to improve the marketing and processing of agricultural products and measures to develop fisheries , but also measures relating to tourist amenities , crafts , industrial and other complementary activities essential to the improvement of the general socio-economic situation of those isles ’ .
24 The basic cost of your holiday , as set out in the individual price panels includes the following .
25 In the last category fell four types that embodied the ideal qualities of physical form as set out in the ‘ canon ’ of Polyclitus : the diskophoros ( discus-carrier ) , the doryphoros ( spear-carrier ) , the diadumenos ( victor crowning himself ) and the hero Hercules .
26 Our present rules for its determination ( see Appendix 3 ) , as set out in the Book of Common Prayer , follow the Roman tradition whereby Easter Day is the first Sunday after the first full moon following ( or on ) 21 March .
27 The normal method of recovering the amount due is by application to the proper financial officer of the council , on the appropriate form of application as set out in the Regulations .
28 The ‘ aim should be to use them for purposes compatible with the Green Belt as set out in Circular 14/84 which can include institutional uses ’ .
29 As the cost of funding a loan(s) fluctuates in the interbank market this is taken account of in the determination of interest rates payable by the borrower at pre-arranged reference date intervals of three , six or twelve months as set out in the loan contract .
30 The selection panel have to bear in mind the viability of the proposal as set out in the application form , the growth potential of the business , the capital cost of setting up and , most important of all , the commitment , enthusiasm and competence of the candidate .
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