Example sentences of "[conj] put him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you decide at the end of the day the thing to do is to pick up this kid and run like hell for somewhere you can gain , wave for help , or put him in the car and drive like mad to the hospital , then you might just do that , even though it breaks all the golden rules of first aid
2 Erm I mean I 'm concerned again through his eyesight that i were we to put him as the assistant and put him on a machine , that he might just put his hand somewhere and get his hand bloody trapped or whatever with his eyesight .
3 erm the managerial action which is available for you , t to take him out of there and put him into a different post , because he 's not capable of doing .
4 Oh and I happened to be standing in the back kitchen you know and I got hold of this saucepan and I picked my little brother up and put him under my arm in case he got hurt and I oh I belted my father from his head to his feet with the saucepan .
5 In fact , if he had n't have knocked him and out and put him in a coma in last round that Michael Watson would have won it .
6 They 've had him from the Wednesday , was it the Wed er , no from the Saturday to the Wednesday cos she was working and they took him on to seaside somewhere and when come home , he 's having stitches in his head where he 'd fell , he hit it on the stone or summat and I said oh did he enjoy it apart from that , she said he was a swine last night , he was screaming and hitting me and she called her husband down from work , she could n't control him , said she should of smacked his arse and put him in the cot .
7 Yes go and put him in a slice of toast Matt
8 But if we ca n't then we take him out of Saint Christopher 's next year and put him in a state school .
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