Example sentences of "[conj] gave [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She gave me an extra pillow , kept me supplied with boiling bottles , brought me Vichy , and my meals on a little round table , actually produced a bottle of alcool camphre & frictioned me & gave me some lime flower tea before I went to sleep .
2 It was the Royal College for the Blind at Hereford that gave him new inspiration by teaching him how to sculpt .
3 Though the business was thriving , there was one aspect that gave him great concern and over which he was powerless to exercise any sort of control .
4 That night he slept in an old cardboard box that he 'd found , and that gave him some protection from the chilling morning dew .
5 Denyer decided to put together a mix of landscapes and portraits , images that gave him particular visual pleasure .
6 There were fairly obvious warnings here for a man contemplating the future independence of his own country , but , if he was shocked by what he saw here , it was the land freed by Toussaint Louverture , Haiti , that gave him most food for thought .
7 Death that gave them such a profound and lasting understanding of each other .
8 Recently , TCS entered into an agreement with Lotus Development Corporation that gave them exclusive distribution rights for the whole range of Recently there was uproar in India following ‘ body shopping ’ by American software firms .
9 These advanced primates had large brains and eyes at the front of the face that gave them stereoscopic forward vision .
10 Before entering battle , the warriors stripped to breech-cloth and moccasins , some donning war-bonnets , then prepared their medicine bundles and applied sacred body paint to invoke the Wyakin medicine powers that gave them supernatural protection .
11 Maybe she had finished with sexual intercourse for ever , maybe it was this possibility that gave her this peculiar conviction of strength , this sense of invulnerability , of certainty , of power .
12 The boots have a Vibram dual density sole that gave me all the grip and comfort I needed over steep wet grass and rough ground .
13 Somehow if I could only know what he was doing and who he was seeing , that gave me some kind of control over the situation .
14 To get that appointment that gave you that one sale .
15 Perhaps it was the lack of trees to soften its outline , or the dark stare of its latticed windows that gave it such an austere look ; but whatever it was , uninvited visitors were a rarity , so that when Amyas Roscarrock rode up on that showery day in July , his arrival attracted immediate interest among the family .
16 It was what was within the bird the force that gave it such power , such vitality . ’
17 Nonetheless , it was British fears that began the process of creating a political group ( rather than a religious one ) , and British political tactics to safeguard their continued power that gave it national significance .
18 I suppose it was the isolation that gave us such a feeling of camaraderie . "
19 She began to tremble , but although he must surely have known that she was not enjoying what he was doing , he said and did nothing to reassure her , nor gave her any sign of love or affection .
20 It was the smell that alerted her and gave her that first sudden awareness of danger .
21 He tore a roll open , stuffed it with cut ham and gave her that .
22 ‘ That 's what Gaston said , ’ replied the fräulein with a glance at her escort , who nodded sympathetically , and gave her another squeeze .
23 But Finn came and sat beside her and gave her another cream bun , which she accepted gladly as a token of friendship , although she did not want it .
24 Then he found her mouth again and gave her another of those butterfly-light kisses .
25 Adam stood up and gave her another hug .
26 It has a thirty-five-foot living-room , with — mouth open — ’ Vitor ordered , and gave her another piece of chocolate ‘ — a flight of three steps up to a generously sized dining area .
27 He agreed , and gave her some ointment .
28 Bend over , " he said , and gave me six with his Pop cane , a stiff , knotted bamboo .
29 My master said : for my dear mother 's sake I will be a friend to you and you shall take care of my linen — God bless him — and gave me four golden guineas which were in my old lady 's pocket when she died .
30 I recently had some bad news and everyone helped me through it and gave me great support .
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