Example sentences of "[conj] possible [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 These will be prompted and predetermined where possible to minimise the effort involved .
2 Erm try and where possible to use the individual communication with them as opposed to erm communicating to them as a member of a group preferably in a relaxed environment er rather than a sort of erm including any decision making pass on as much credit for that decision as possible
3 That is needed where possible to make the strategic analysis more rigorous before final approvals are given .
4 Using this evidence it can be shown that , in these regions , large quantities of certain products travelled considerable distances , and with some materials it is more than possible to detect the growth of a sizeable mass market , despite the model of the Roman economy sketched above .
5 But if phonemic competitors are included , some means of resolving the phonemes identity and filtering out improbable words must be applied as quickly as possible to stop the proliferation of word strings .
6 It 's easy to criticize but when an audience grows to this size , there is the responsibility of allowing as many fans as possible to see the shows .
7 Cavity treatment should be delayed for as long as possible to allow the injected solution to remain in contact with blood and other body fluids and care to avoid spillage should be exercised when carrying out drainage .
8 Cohen had meanwhile made a surprise afternoon announcement to the press in London that the US government was " recommending that the forces of the EPRDF enter the city as soon as possible to stabilize the situation " .
9 We pay the employer as little as possible to take the trainee in the first place and then charge him as much as possible to train the trainee on his behalf .
10 The letter and questionnaire were as simple as possible to maximise the response .
11 I 've always wanted to get as stoned as quickly as possible to enjoy the evening at the end of a working day .
12 ‘ We want as many Mini owners as possible to join the convoy , come for the weekend or just take part in the tour that Sunday . ’
13 Mr Swann has challenged Darlington Environmental Watch ( DEW ) to get as many people as possible to join the ambitious worldwide Tree of Life project .
14 A meeting of the SADR Cabinet , chaired by the SADR President , Mohammed Abdelazziz , and held at an unspecified location on Nov. 4 , called on Morocco " once again to begin direct dialogue ( with Polisario ) as soon as possible to implement the resolutions of the international community " .
15 For example , the Tamil phoneme /t/ has three variants ; To master these variants of Tamil /t/ you would prepare a list of words for each phonetic environment affecting the /t/ ( note that the Tamil words are written phonemically and not phonetically , as the environment shows what the pronunciation should be ) : Collect words as similar as possible to highlight the conditioning factor .
16 I wanted as far as possible to forearm the boy at the beginning of adolescence — not ramming a weapon into his hand willy-nilly , but showing him the size and shape of it and where it lies in such a way that he would take it up without realizing he was doing so and find himself using it when he needed to .
17 Serve as soon as possible to retain the flavour .
18 Our business concluded it was decided we should go to Jeddah as quickly as possible to visit the Hospital .
19 What you need to do is to involve people so they know what has to be done and plan it as far ahead as possible to minimise the impact .
20 ‘ The measure as revised by the committee tried as hard as possible to accommodate the views of those who object to women priests .
21 The Ministry of propaganda did what it could to play down such disasters and tried for as long as possible to preserve the illusion that they were not important , but Fascism now began to lose a lot of its popular support .
22 He deliberately used both brush and pen as boldly as possible to soften the mechanical nature of the process .
23 Try a wooden board and , again , use as little water as possible to moisten the gum strip ; too much will make the operation slippery and difficult .
24 As well as agreeing the proposed restructure and gradings the Committee agreed the recommendation that ‘ a meeting between NALGO , DOMIS and HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT 's management be initiated as soon as possible to investigate the possibility of consolidating the New Technology payment for existing staff within the Division . ’
25 Chapman genuinely believed that , in the interest of the game , fees should be limited , but while the proposals went unheeded he was quite prepared to spend as much as possible to secure the best players .
26 In our first Report we tried as far as possible to avoid the word ‘ grammar ’ , and to explain how important it was for children to use linguistic terminology .
27 If a horse stops pulling once he has settled down and works sensibly and correctly after say , 20 minutes of ‘ whoopee ’ then it is a matter of working through the exuberance stage with as many exercises in the form of transitions and ‘ things to do ’ as possible to occupy the horse 's mind and so try to make him concentrate on his work rather than other exciting stimuli .
28 The aim is to attract as wide a range of uses as possible to make the theatre a bigger part of the Tewkesbury Community .
29 ‘ Mr [ Ian ] Lang has this issue very much under consideration and will bring forward regulations as soon as possible to make the fitting of wired-in smoke detectors compulsory in all new dwellings which are built . ’
30 Some directors were of course friends of administration , and used their powers of patronage as far as possible to supplement the efforts of government , but others , and notably the Elphinstone family , used their Indian patronage to sustain an opposition to Henry Dundas in Scotland .
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