Example sentences of "[conj] nothing in the " in BNC.

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1 The spectacle last week of 400 officers in riot gear running round the Broadwater Farm Estate and finding little or nothing in the way of drugs reminded me of Sir Robert Mark 's definition of a good police force as one which employed fewer criminals than it caught .
2 My early assumptions as a reader were that black people signified little or nothing in the imagination of white American writers .
3 The sort of windows that need little or nothing in the way of treatment are usually narrow slits of glass , small ovals , round , arched , stained and etched glass windows that only show a glimpse of the outside and are often unopenable anyway .
4 Critics pointed out that at the time of the White Paper and in the process of polytechnic designation there had been little or nothing in the shape of academic planning .
5 The CDP had welcomed the broad direction in which the CNAA 's discussions had been going in 1975 , but liked little or nothing in the Partnership in Validation document .
6 We have then reached the absurd position that nothing in the world possesses a knowable intrinsic or qualitative nature , for all properties are essentially relational .
7 But she was emphatically not sorry for anything she 'd said , and she decided that nothing in the world would make her say she was .
8 It is right now to insist that nothing in the Anglo-French study shows AZT to be ineffective in the late treatment of AIDS ; it is to be hoped that point will be tested by a new controlled study .
9 It is unfortunate that the United States Federal Rules of Civil Procedure , while expressing authorising service in a manner prescribed by the law of the foreign country , contains no provision corresponding to that in the English Rules of the Supreme Court that nothing in the Rules authorises or requires the doing in a foreign country of anything contrary to the law of that country ; the issue is referred to merely in the official commentary of the Advisory Committee and then only as affecting the chances of the recognition and enforcement in the foreign country of a judgment obtained in the United States .
10 Finally , Article 13 provided that nothing in the Convention was to be construed as preventing service ‘ by any method provided for by the law of the state of origin and not forbidden by the law of the other state , or by any method provided for in any agreement between the States concerned ’ .
11 This is subject to an overriding provision that nothing in the relevant Rule or in any order or direction of the court made by virtue of it authorises or requires the doing of anything in a country in which service is to be effected which is contrary to the law of that country .
12 We have horses , so fruit trees were obviously omitted , as were many of the most beautiful species such as beech and oak ( beech mast and oak apples can be poisonous or at the least a cause of colic ) , chestnut trees were crossed off because of the conker collecting problem — small boys of all ages are very determined that nothing in the way of fencing should stop them finding conkers .
13 It did not do so , but — with minimal discussion of the implications — it enacted ( in s.6(c) ) that nothing in the foregoing sections restricted liability for contempt of court ‘ in respect of conduct intended to impede or prejudice the administration of justice . ’
14 The Minister will have to agree that nothing in the Bill would stop whoever buys Eastern Scottish from selling the St. Andrews square bus station a fortnight later for El 5 million or thereabouts .
15 Social learning theory can be applied in many cases but is too extensive when it says that nothing in the human being is innate and that everything must be learnt .
16 Physicists tell us that nothing in the universe can travel faster than the speed of light , and this applies to signals inside a computer , too .
17 I can reassure my hon. Friend that nothing in the Bill will make that sort of rationalisation necessary .
18 Is he aware that his information is totally wrong and that nothing in the application shows that patient care and services will improve under the trusts ?
19 It left open the question of whose money had paid for the House of Fraser but made clear that nothing in the career of Mr Mohamed Al Fayed could account for such new-found wealth .
20 While stressing that nothing in the circular should be taken as condoning a wilful breach of planning law , there is a highly significant qualification :
21 Rules , in substance the same as those relating to solicitors ' accounts , and those concerning the permitted name of the firm and the need for proper supervision of offices , apply equally to overseas as to domestic practices , subject generally to the caveat that nothing in the Law Society 's Rules will override particular duties imposed on practitioners by the local law .
22 The judges who decided McLoughlin worried about the most accurate description of the principles underlying the precedent cases cited to them , although they knew that nothing in the explicit extension of any convention settled what these principles were or what weight they should be given .
23 ‘ BAII has no knowledge of the circumstances leading to his arrest , and accordingly can make no comments , other than to state that nothing in the course of his employment has given rise to any question . ’
24 Yet no election campaign has been as unctuously hostile to wealth as the Labour one of 1992 in justifying its policies about the poll tax , the health service , education , and national and local taxation ; and nothing in the public packaging operation left any reason to suppose the Labour Party had abandoned the assumptions of the 1960s .
25 ‘ I have had the mortification of seeing him … this afternoon with three prizes … ’ wrote one irate resident to the Admiralty , ‘ and nothing in the world to oppose him . ’
26 Had she but known it I had already made up my mind to get better , and nothing in the world was further from my thoughts than death . ’
27 The image of grass is therefore ambivalent , and nothing in the lines preceding our present text has conditioned its readers to interpret the image of line A in the way that line B requires .
28 I had no insurance , and nothing in the bank .
29 I have no one and nothing in the world . ’
30 Asset strippers and property developers are extremely interested in the property assets of bus companies , and nothing in the Bill would exclude them from bidding for bus companies .
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