Example sentences of "[conj] for the whole " in BNC.

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1 One of the decisions you have to make is whether to have the entertainer for just an entertainment slot or for the whole party .
2 Members can also choose how long they wish to stay at the ‘ weekend ’ , whether for just a morning or afternoon or for the whole day-and-a-half .
3 The system can be searched by author , title or pupils 's name , as seen with LIBRAFILE above and overdues can be produced for a pupil , a class or for the whole school .
4 I want that for the whole club , but firstly for the fans , who 've been superb .
5 A comparative example provides another good illustration ; in 1959 , we are told , French archives of diplomacy already held more documents for the years since 1914 than for the whole history of French diplomacy backwards from that date to its foundation under Richelieu .
6 If the husband did not fulfil his obligation to maintain , then on balance it was considered preferable for the wife to go out and earn than for the whole family to become chargeable to the Poor Law .
7 IBM , which had revenues of $60bn and profits of $6bn last year , shook Wall Street last week by warning that earnings forecasts for the third quarter and for the whole year would fall significantly below expectations .
8 Looking at the sweep of the whole narrative from Genesis 1 outwards , we can say that God has made laughter for himself also , and for the whole world .
9 Japanese Foreign Minister Michio Watanabe said a revitalised American economy was important for Japan and for the whole world .
10 A friend said : ‘ Sly 's worried for his houses and for the whole island .
11 Four words , of one syllable each , are words which contain salvation for this country and for the whole world , and they are faith , hope , love and work .
12 During that term , the deputy head was pushing the committee to expand this work in the direction of his vision of study skills across the curriculum and for the whole age range .
13 A policy of raising the wages of the lowest paid , first on an industry basis , and then over the whole country , for this approach to be part of an overall investment and training programme , and for the whole strategy to appear as part of an election manifesto , would provide consumers with the chance of turning a moral decision into an economic reality .
14 There were 186 non-responders , giving a response rate for ACFA members of 82% , and for the whole British population with cystic fibrosis of 56% ( table I ) .
15 It is possible for a series of nick points to migrate up a stream and for the whole series to coalesce when they are held up by a resistant bed .
16 Denoting the intrinsic energy change by — U we have the equation and for the whole body Now the rate at which work is done by the external forces is The second integral converts by Gauss 's theorem to Now is we assume infinitesimal strains we may write and the second term vanishes in the summations .
17 But for the whole economy the increase is only 1.9 per cent , better than the 1970s but lower than the 1960s .
18 He is anxious not purely for Delphi , set in one of the last unspoilt valleys in Ireland , but for the whole wild sweep of west Mayo beyond it , up to the bustling tourist town of Westport .
19 These courses are a very important initiative not just for this diocese but for the whole country at a time when we need to find new ways of helping lay people and priests to work together in furthering the mission of the church .
20 For the sake not just of the American people but for the whole world , we pray that Mr Clinton will fulfill his promise .
21 Edward I , considering himself sovereign lord of both countries , appointed his own Warden not so much to keep the peace along a border whose very existence he denied , but for the whole Keeping of Scotland .
22 I desire the reader to remember that I do not make use of the word people for the mere vulgar or mobile , but for the whole community , consisting of clergy , nobility and commons …
23 What one needs is a way of doing the sum over histories not just for particles but for the whole fabric of space and time as well .
24 Such was the prophetic hope , not only for the Suffering Servant or the Messiah of Israel but for the whole people of God .
25 Suppose that the strategy involves real innovation — not only for the group but for the whole industry .
26 But for the whole country to flourish , the richer regions must yield all they could spare to help feed and develop the poorer ; and the manpower , too , must be deployed where it was needed to defend the vulnerable harbours and pirate bases of the north and the west , with all the consequent problems of travel in that wild land of mountain and river .
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