Example sentences of "[conj] for [art] second " in BNC.

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1 The image experienced in a flash of gold , a flush of warmth to her face , was so vivid that for a second she hesitated at the kitchen door as if disorientated .
2 She pronounces ‘ liver ’ with a long vowel , so that for a second he thinks she is asking if he likes geese saliva .
3 The memory was so vivid that for a second she thought she heard the echo of the slam .
4 It lifted him for a moment before it threw him down , so that for a second he saw what he wanted : that the sea had already overrun the beach and the rocks and the shingle and was advancing like a black wall rimmed with white over the slipways and grasslands of Orphir .
5 He was frankly baffled and for a second he wavered .
6 Pebbles had to snatch up briefly to avoid scrimmaging in front of her on the tight final bend , and for a second it looked as though she might be shut in .
7 When it touched Parker it had evidently acquired a tremendous spin , and for a second it must have been spinning beneath me .
8 It was quite dark when Breeze let herself into the house , and for a second she was dazzled by the electric light , and failed to see the suitcases in the hall .
9 Imagination and reality fused and for a second the sense of foreboding intensified .
10 One part of me , despite George Crowninshield 's reassurances , anticipated that the twins would emerge as shambling twitching wrecks , and for a second , believing my worst fears , I bitterly regretted accepting the senator 's charter .
11 Andrew did n't smile and for a second his eyes locked with Benedicta 's .
12 We went into my room at last , with our arms round each other , and in the doorway I stopped dead because I 'd forgotten what Toby had said about John and for a second I thought I was in the wrong room .
13 The governor 's white-gloved hand froze in mid-flourish and for a second he stared horror-struck at the chattering animal .
14 She snatched up the fern from the window sill and for a second Blanche expected it to soar through the air and sow its parched soil across the carpet .
15 He saw Anna , and for a second he looked afraid .
16 A groan burst from his lips as he mounted his horse , and for a second the world swam before his eyes .
17 My Adam 's apple swells in my throat , and for a second I think I 'm going to join her in tears .
18 His eyes narrowed , and for a second she thought he 'd refuse to follow her lead , but to her relief he shrugged .
19 He was still barring the doorway , and for a second she thought he 'd refuse to move .
20 Suppressed fury sparked flames in the woman 's catlike eyes , and for a second Shae thought she would storm out of the room .
21 To return them he , too , moved , and he was now above her , and for a second she felt fear again , only for him to murmur into her neck , ‘ Do n't be frightened , McAllister , I wo n't hurt you , ’ and he began to kiss her throat , exposed above the white blouse she was wearing , while his right hand stroked her breast through its cloth .
22 Felipe stood in front of her like a lion-tamer , a whip in his hand with the thong coiled out of the way , and for a second Maggie felt a wave of fear .
23 He responded more passionately , and for a second the faraway look in his eyes was replaced by knowingness and humour .
24 I heard the shotgun pellets hit the bonnet and the windscreen like hailstones on a tin roof and for a second I wondered if I should punch a hole in the glass like they do in the movies .
25 ‘ Just checking for snipers , ’ he answered , and for a second or two he had me doing it as well .
26 ‘ It 's nice — the room , ’ said Morse , conscious that the shabby exterior of the property belied its rather graceful interior , and for a second or two he wondered whether a similar kind of comment might not perhaps be passed on Mrs Williams herself …
27 He was sitting in the deckchair Candy had vacated by the time she returned , and for a second she thought he had fallen asleep , his head tilted back against the wooden spar of the chair , his eyes closed , their long black lashes casting shadows on his cheeks .
28 ‘ My pleasure , ’ he murmured , and for a second they stood there , regarding each other watchfully , the tension straining between them .
29 Then he lowered her to the ground and shifted over her , and for a second it was like it had been before and fear touched her , but then his lips came down and brushed her mouth , and she was lost .
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