Example sentences of "[conj] it [be] felt " in BNC.

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1 This is used mainly where tantrums are severe and where it is felt that stopping them altogether is too big a first step .
2 Where it is felt to be important , information on number can therefore be encoded lexically .
3 This is particularly so where it is felt that the consideration did not have a causative effect upon the authority 's determination and where the decision being impugned is not determinative of rights , such as a decision by a local authority to refer a landlord to a rent tribunal .
4 This is likely to be the case in formal hierarchical establishments where it is felt that the proper locus of decision making is at the top .
5 Following the publication of er draft figures , I discussed these with the districts , and where it was felt appropriate to take on board s er suggestions made by the districts , this was done .
6 ‘ did cause ( or permit ) that motor vehicle ( or trailer ) ’ See ( C ) 2 of offence number 5 , although it is felt that ‘ permit ’ in this offence means the continuing obstruction while ‘ cause ’ deals with the positioning of the vehicle on the road .
7 Councillors were known to have had reservations about an earlier plan which included a staff flat on a second storey because , although it was felt this was desirable from a security point of view , it contravened various planning guidelines .
8 Indeed , this issue was addressed in an earlier study ( Tomkins , 1973 , pp. 115–21 ) , where it was illustrated how it was possible to devise an investment-appraisal rule ( just like that above ) consistent with NPV but based on residual income even when the project cash flows were uneven through time — although it was felt that NPV was more straightforward .
9 We discussed the difficulties of transforming the concept of sustainability into practical policies , although it was felt the increasing emphasis on plan-led planning , urban containment and the reuse of urban and derelict land , would help .
10 The reason for keeping women and men separated is that it is felt that a man can not concentrate on prayer when women are in close proximity .
11 In the event that it is felt that enquiry is allowable , the usual choice is between Proof or Jury Trial .
12 It is abundantly clear from the steady flow of these glossy items , from DENI et al , that it is felt necessary to persuade and cajole the public at every opportunity , that all is well in the field of education .
13 Now , clearly , in many circumstances where the property of an adjective matches a speaker 's perception , it may not need to be assigned — i.e. stated explicitly to be valid for the entity concerned — on the grounds that it is felt to be a characteristic sufficiently basic to the entity not to need assignment , as opposed to being called upon as an initial qualifying and identifying element .
14 In the spring of 1968 there was much rethinking within the CRA [ Civil Rights Association ] leadership ; the tactics of Martin Luther King in America had been absorbed inasmuch that it was felt by some that only public marches could draw wide attention to what we were trying to achieve by normal democratic means .
15 The major exception is the ubiquitous iron knife , perhaps so common and such a personal item that it was felt to be expendable .
16 There were a number of other areas that it was felt by the IBOA should be discussed and that included Future Branch Structures , Centralisation and Contracting of Work .
17 It may also be that the early returns from the voyages proved small , and that it was felt that investment in them did not provide an adequate reward for those involved .
18 In Protestant countries the morality of sexual restraint and fidelity was supposed to be binding on both sexes , but the very fact that it was felt to be so even by those who broke it , led them not so much into hypocrisy as into personal torment .
19 ‘ I was saddened that it was felt I had to go but I suppose it was unsurprising , ’ he said .
20 He said that it was felt that the change would give both parties more freedom of choice , and stressed that he would continue to use Tory on a freelance basis and was not intending to appoint another stable jockey before the end of the season .
21 A law of nature was the last word ; and just as God could not break a law of logic ( by making something both red and green all over , for example ) , so it was felt that He could not break a law of nature .
22 Once it was felt not to be reliable as evidence for Jesus ' own history and teaching , however , most of what the psychological biographies had chiefly depended upon was removed along with it .
23 The EC Biotechnology Framework Programme recognises the importance of classical taxonomy to genetic and molecular studies , and it is felt that collaborative research offers the best way forward in combining different the approaches .
24 Following the recent House of Lords decision of Pepper v Hart [ 1992 ] STC 898 it is possible to refer to Hansard in certain circumstances and it is felt that it is proper to refer to the relevant Hansard to discover who the individual is referred to in the provisions .
25 The return fare to the conference is £1,800 and it is felt that Cleveland Ambulance can not justify the expense of public money on one person .
26 As it was difficult to convert the square-ended chancel into living accommodation and it was felt important to retain part of the church in its original state , this area was left almost untouched in order to operate as a multi-purpose ‘ community room ’ .
27 The new system would still have needed considerable further development and it was felt necessary to terminate the project .
28 There were also differences between Newham and Ipswich in their psychogeriatric services , and it was felt by the development officers that these too , along with differences in domiciliary care , would affect the way the Home Support Project operated in the two areas .
29 A fresh look at the whole process was needed , and it was felt that this could be achieved by taking a systems view , unbiased by what was then happening in practice , ie before the Act took effect .
30 The importance of providing a focal point for these developments was also emphasised , and it was felt that this could be part of the role of the College Administration Officer so that non-partisan strategies for computer developments could be evolved .
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