Example sentences of "[conj] the 1988 [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Government concerns that the 1988 Licensing Act would encourage greater consumption of alcohol have been proved unfounded .
2 And let's not forget that the 1988 seal plague in the North Sea was also accompanied by a number of ‘ exceptional ’ algal blooms .
3 It was with the aim of contributing to such an improvement , as the representative body of employers and business investors , that the 1988 Confederation of British Industry ( CBI ) Task Force on business and urban regeneration came to three conclusions : first ( in line with the Government 's own beliefs ) , that business must take the lead in reversing urban decline ; second , that charity — governmental or voluntary — can not in itself deal with problems , and any regeneration must spring from private investment , commercially motivated ; and third , that the potential exists for such investment , provided that early projects are seen to succeed ( CBI , 1988 ) .
4 McLaughlin 's ( 1991 ) study showed clearly that the personal incomes of ex-carers were around £40 lower than the 1988 Family Expenditure Survey ( FES ) per capita average , while the incomes of two-adult households containing an ex-carer were £144 a week lower than their FES counterparts .
5 Gross domestic product ( GDP ) growth rate in 1989 was estimated at just over 10 per cent , slightly lower than the 1988 growth rate of 11 per cent .
6 Although the 1988 Matignon Accords formed the basis of a ceasefire in the struggle for the New Caledonian independence , there was increasing discussion during 1990 of the possibility that the planned independence referendum — scheduled for 1998 — could be abandoned in favour of a form of independence in association with France .
7 All schools must also provide religious instruction ( the only part of the curriculum prescribed by law , until the 1988 Education Reform Act ) , and this must be non-denominational except in voluntary schools .
8 Until the 1988 Education Reform Act most in England were funded by and under the control of LEAs .
9 Until the 1988 Act , all a person had to do to gain copyright protection for a design was to make a drawing of the design in such a way that the design could be recognized from the drawing ( as long as the design did not relate to a spare part ) .
10 The 1986 Act and the 1988 Education Act have also given governors more power over schools than previously .
11 British courts then disapplied the Act ; after several appeals , the European Court ruled that this suspension was valid , and the 1988 Act was overruled in 1991 .
12 Both the 1986 Education ( No. 2 ) Act and the 1988 Act changed the attitudes of governors as well as their ways of working .
13 One-third of inspections are a telephone call or a questionnaire , and the 1988 underpayment statistics suggested that 34.6 per cent of firms were underpaying their staff , and of the 9,000 firms involved only two were prosecuted .
14 [ The main recommendations were implemented in the 1980 Education Act , and further extended in the 1986 Education Act ; but the 1988 Education Reform Act introduced radical changes in the relationships between parents , governors , teachers , LEAs and central government ( see Chapter 4 ) . ]
15 It is difficult to assess the total effect on employment of any assistance , but the 1988 Action for Cities statement ( HMSO , 1988a ) argued that UDGs provided nearly 30,000 jobs .
16 This is an important concept , because the 1988 Act states that total admissions in any school year must not be restricted to a number below the school 's standard number .
17 It has been suggested that there is a danger that because the 1988 Act is silent on the subject of multicultural and anti-racist education these areas will be largely overlooked , to the detriment of race relations in this country .
18 As well as strengthening the role of governors , the 1986 Act made it impossible for political nominees to control governing bodies , as they often had in the past , while the 1988 Act transfers the management of most schools from local education authorities ( LEAs ) to the individual school .
19 While the 1988 Act requires a greater involvement of governors in such matters , the head 's role in shaping the professional and educational culture remains critical , and certainly this was the expectation during the period of PNP .
20 The third need is to remember that while the 1988 Act changed many aspects of management from the point of view of the insider , it changed few things from the point of view of the parents , the employer or the public .
21 In the November review of both 1987 and 1988 , the Government announced the freezing of child benefit payments since the 1988 statement there have been numerous ominous statements , all stressing that the future of the benefit is ‘ under review ’ .
22 After the 1988 ceasefire agreement Iraq had attempted , unsuccessfully , to have these debts cancelled .
23 And , after the 1988 Education Reform Act , one question was whether that reform had led to a new education service in England and Wales .
24 After the 1988 Family Support Act , states must help to provide one year of child care for mothers who leave welfare for a job or training .
25 Before the 1988 Act , anyone copying a design would infringe the copyright in a drawing made for the design even though that person had never seen the drawing , because making a three-dimensional copy of a two-dimensional work infringed the copyright in the latter and vice versa .
26 When the 1988 contract says that the foundation will pay an annual sum to the owners of the paintings , how much will this be ?
27 The dominant sectors of society found no difficulty in tolerating or even nodding approval of its message , a development which reached its apogee when the 1988 Conference of the British Conservative Party bellowed out the song with no hint of embarrassment .
28 Follow up data for the 18 patients who were alive when the 1988 report was assembled have been obtained from the most recent inpatient assessment at Harefield Hospital ( 1991–2 ) , where all but one patient are reviewed in depth each year or more often if problems arise .
29 The importance of the traditional monitoring role of the LEA has been strengthened by the recent legislation particularly as the 1988 Act has transferred considerably increased responsibility for the management of schools and colleges to governors , heads and principals .
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