Example sentences of "[conj] thereby [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 By varying your perfume choice with the frequency you change your smalls , you never build up that resistance ( and thereby avoid the risk of all but suffocating colleagues in a crowded lift with too much ‘ Shalimar ’ while you still ca n't smell a thing ) .
2 Allowing the BBC 's appeal , the Vice-Chancellor , Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson , sitting with Lords Justices Staughton and Beldam , said the 1988 Copyright Act created rights and remedies for broadcasters not against those who received the programmes , but against those who enabled viewers to receive the transmissions and thereby avoid the viewing fee .
3 Given these competing interests , the best he could propose was that the two governments should try to come to a prior understanding concerning each other 's needs and thereby avoid the formal commitments which the US Joint Chiefs feared might paralyse American forces at the start of hostilities .
4 This would encourage separatism , and thereby undermine the whole integrity of the Church of England , which it had been the aim of the Tories all along to protect .
5 And then , if I have achieved the aim of helping teachers understand their predicament , I hope that they may feel more purposeful , both individually and collectively , and thereby become a more powerful source of ideas and projects for the improvement of schooling , which are grounded simultaneously in a clear sense of educational values and an equally clear-sighted , hard-headed sense of what is possible and appropriate .
6 prepare detailed specifications of plant items and thereby become a discerning and knowledgeable purchaser of equipment and services ;
7 In any case , as an imperative , let suggests that the speaker feels that the impinging of his will on the others 's should be enough to obtain their assent or overcome their indifference and thereby get the infinitive action under way .
8 In the early phases of civilization 's development , the first phase of ‘ animism ’ , people project their inner emotions and impulses outwards and thereby populate a universe with various spirits and supernatural powers .
9 By 1846 he was deeply worried by the likely effects of free trade on monetary policy , and in two letters to the Standard he argued that , by increasing the demand for imports , free trade would precipitate an outflow of gold and thereby provoke a monetary crisis .
10 render invisible the vast amount of avoidable harm , injury , and deprivation imposed on the ordinary population by the state , transnational and other corporations , and thereby remove the effects of these ‘ crimes ’ from the causal nexus for explaining ‘ conventional crimes ’ committed by ordinary people .
11 Such data could provide a better understanding of how pneumonia fits into the course of the chronic diseases it often accompanies , and thereby form a basis for therapeutic decision-making .
12 Through the emergence of the arts and crafts movement , Morris succeeded in establishing a craft tradition in which the individual could retain some control over every stage of manufacture from design to execution , and thereby gain a far more satisfactory relationship with the product .
13 In formulating the original agreement with Fields , Branson had ensured a clause be written in stipulating that , under the Articles , Virgin as the majority shareholder had the right to appoint more than two ‘ A ’ directors , and thereby gain a majority of the board , if it was ‘ not satisfied with the financial position , or the management position of the company ’ .
14 They are artificial and do not adequately measure the students ' ability to use the complex information tools available and thereby gain the information that would be of use for their studies .
15 It was this that prompted me to scrutinize Greek tragedy and thereby gain the new view of the Hellenic spirit that I have been putting forward .
16 Each side would like mutual disarmament , but will be deterred from making any move in that direction by the belief that the other side would cheat , and thereby gain an arms advantage .
17 The aim was , no doubt , to win them over and thereby weaken the Puritan opposition .
18 If dull , cryptic animals live on after their reproductive phase is over they , by contrast , only serve to increase the population density of their kind and thereby increase the chances of a predator finding them , despite their camouflage .
19 Answer guide : Here you would need the information contained in the projections which provide the profit target so that you could attempt to improve on the profit either by increasing sales , or adjusting the staffing of your outlet to reduce the costs and thereby increase the profit .
20 Well there 's no question but which therapists and people of medical profession have come across cases of people who have indeed been scarred for their whole lives and and found it very difficult to maintain trust and relationships and and be able to achieve their potential as a result of the sorts of situations that they endured , and perhaps we 're more understanding about those sorts of areas of the human need to be able to express anxiety and to feel that to express fears is is not something that 's going to overwhelm people that are around us , so that adults who are in the care of children , be they teachers , or parents , or child care workers , can allow children to express their feelings so that they do n't need to hold on to them and thereby increase the fears that they have .
21 The script was commissioned quickly to replace Coburn 's dropped ‘ The Robots ’ story and thereby maintain the balance between historical and futuristic adventures , and production was scheduled and slotted to follow on a week later from ‘ The Tribe of Gum ’ .
22 However , by adept diplomacy , he was able to impose a form of pax Britannica on what had hitherto been a turbulent part of Africa and thereby maintain the conditions best suited for fostering trade .
23 For if at the end of period 1 a rise in aggregate demand is predictable , the government could reduce its own spending and thereby maintain the position of the aggregate demand curve at AD and hence maintain aggregate real output at y n .
24 So , if erm so your , your , your principal complaint , I maybe wrong it maybe not your principal , look at page a hundred and twenty seven for your assistance , erm standard form of agreements restricted competitions , the service of the petitions or the agents provided so this is names and thereby restrict the competition as the agents them say erm then impose on that it was a regime etcetera , erm that the , the competitive the anti competitive one is your sub paragraph one is n't it ? , on page one , two , seven your saying look here is a of , of dictated through their bi-laws , a standard form that all agents must use , you say , erm , er that that restricts competition because it means that agents are free , or as free as they ought to be , erm to compete with each other or providing services to outside names , I follow that , I did n't say I except it , but I follow that entirely , erm , but does n't , does n't , if you 're right does n't it follow that the agreements are void ?
25 Unstated was the belief that the American Central Intelligence Agency had a hand in the downfall and death of Lumumba who had appealed to the USSR , and thereby upset the United States and also Britain ( Macmillan wrote ‘ our long-term interests would best be served by … a Congo Government … largely depending on American rather than Russian aid and support ’ ) .
26 Intensive training routines cause the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland , but insulin can block the release of this hormone and thereby nullify the effects of training .
27 One possible solution was that fiscal policy could be used exclusively for the management of the level of employment , and monetary policy could be directed at raising interest rates to attract capital inflows and thereby offset the increase in imports in the balance of payments accounts .
28 The choice would be whether to draw one pair of curtains to stack back on the walls beside the windows , thus exposing the corner , or to have two separate pairs of curtains that draw from the centre of each window and thereby cover the corner area with fabric .
29 On this you can balance extractive crops with fertility-building leys , grazing with cutting , and thereby keep the individual fields in balance with the overall potential of the land .
30 But the rise in the rate of interest will do something else too : it will depress investment expenditure and thereby cause a fall in aggregate demand .
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