Example sentences of "[conj] release [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There , in the company computer , he imagines he will find tons of choice titbits such as upcoming record store appearances or release dates for new singles — information that will make him a real idol otaku king when he transmits it over the networks to other idol-loving otaku .
2 These are programmes that release screens of information or sources at timed intervals .
3 White clover is polymorphic for the presence or absence of cyanogenic glucosinolates and is also polymorphic for the beta glucosidases that release HCN from glucosinolates when a leaf is damaged .
4 It 's all to do with tensing and releasing muscles in order to tone your body .
5 New driers worth £150,000 will replace old ones on parts of the backing plant , shortening the length and releasing space for a new inspection table .
6 The fish is eating well , but every now and again it goes to the surface , collects a mouthful of air and then returns quickly to the bottom , chewing and releasing air at the same time .
7 USL has also provided a customisable systems administration guide and release notes for creating end-user documentation and installation script .
8 Licensed ringers trap , ring and release birds in many countries .
9 The bird garden is a working wildlife haven and operates a breed and release scheme for native owls .
10 Alternately press and release pressure with palms , gradually wriggling the hands fairly vigorously along the muscles .
11 Sweetheart smiled and released Frankie into the care of the other man , who gripped him by the shoulder and looked terribly stern .
12 The objective of the new arrangements is to place downward pressure on expenditure on drugs in order to limit this waste and to release resources for other parts of the Health Service ’ .
13 And he 'd got lots of famous mates that want to play on his records , and he picks up a Grammy and releases records on scrupulous labels , instead of the 30 or more indie horsefixers he 's had the misfortune to deal with over the years .
14 The reservoir would have submerged cedar forests and rapids which attract 10,000 tourists a year , while releasing mercury from submerged ores .
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