Example sentences of "[conj] none [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Since the reserviour was built it has become an important tourist and recreational centre but now none of the businesses can be sure they have a future .
2 One of my favourites is the ‘ MEANINGLESS ’ section , where none of the books make any sense .
3 For instance , there are firms or individuals describing themselves as ‘ chartered accountants ’ when they are not entitled to do so and where none of the principals involved is qualified to audit .
4 Case 2b — where none of the candidate words seem to fit with the syntactic processing of the sentence .
5 Its success was greatest in the Dukeries field , where none of the pits had as many as 10 per cent of their miners in the NMA ; the figure was less than 1 per cent at Harworth and Thoresby in 1934 ( Waller , 1983 , p. 118 ) .
6 The question which is perhaps left open by the Court 's decisions so far is whether a retention of the business 's identity can be found , say in the case of a franchise , where none of the employees , equipment or buildings used by the transferor in the activity pass to the transferee .
7 This example is for the installation of a new LIFESPAN Process , where none of the database details files already exist .
8 This result is in contrast to one recent study of 11 twin pairs ( 5 monozygotic ) where none of the co-twins was found to be concordant for anorexia nervosa .
9 The tenant may be wary of this in case it is used by the landlord to remove the tenant ( in a buoyant market ) but any dilatoriness on the part of the landlord in reinstating where none of the supervening events applies could be seized upon by the tenant .
10 Finally , if the fish shows signs of distress , is not feeding , or none of the above treatments shown any signs of working , the kindest thing is to painlessly destroy it .
11 Indeed , there is now little or none of the traditional progression or interweaving of rock climbing and other mountain activities .
12 In the simplest case an instruction tests for all , some or none of the bits being set to one .
13 Concentration of updates in a particular area — case 3 above — reduces the number of blocks that have to be read and in the most extreme case , where all or none of the records in a block require updating , the percentage of records that need to be read would not change due to blocking .
14 Oxidised LDL may also be procoagulant since it has been described as stimulating endothelial tissue factor activity and inhibiting activation of protein C. Despite these tremendous advances , the authors wisely remind us that many patients with coronary disease have few or none of the known risk factors .
15 The Oxford Regional Health Authority is well served by community hospitals , where outpatient clinics are held in addition to those in general hospitals , so none of the participating practices was far from a provider unit .
16 BBC has been testing EON on its local radio traffic experiment in south-east England and the Midlands for about two years , and several other European countries are already , or soon will be , implementing EON , although none of the 50 or so existing RDS models is suitable for this function .
17 It seems this will be used by the DoE to ‘ assess ’ the EC proposals although none of the facts will be available to the public .
18 There he discussed the details with an R.A.F. officer who , although none of the party had jumped before , was most helpful .
19 Although none of the aquariums used are lit , rocks are placed in them which have a generous growth of algae on them , and are changed once the algae has gone through constant grazing .
20 The South does n't stand out in the resulting map ( figure 5.2 ) , although none of the States of the former Confederacy falls in the top 40 per cent on their ranking , except Florida whose population character and structure has changed very substantially in recent decades as a result of immigration , especially of the elderly .
21 Most of the country 's fertility clinics were listed , although none of the catalogues was up to date .
22 Although none of the other Blaxhall competitions is connected with horse-gear , they are included as examples of the way farm-workers and their wives enjoyed a frolic .
23 Although none of the words she utters professionally is her own , fragments of the lectures she translates at conferences constantly invade her thoughts .
24 Although none of the present members go back more than 10 years ( canoeing tends to be a young sport ) the club has existed since 1952 .
25 In 1990 , although none of the damage was as concentrated in its severity , in many respects the results were just as bad , if only because they were more widespread .
26 Moore Stephens is using the system itself , although none of the Scottish offices have implemented it as yet .
27 Although none of the autoantibodies have been proved to be of pathogenetic significance , it has been shown , both in Crohn 's disease and in ulcerative colitis , that IgG and complement can be present on the apical surface of enterocytes in vivo , possibly indicating a pathogenetic role for anti-epithelial/anti-brush border antibodies in inflammatory bowel disease .
28 And although none of the critics called him a genius for playing in them , none argued about the extent of his talent either .
29 The incompetence of the king , and the arrogance and greed of the Despensers , had so alienated men from the court that none except the few who profited from the king 's favour would fight for him .
30 As we discuss the changing role of the traditional high-street off-licence , it is all too plain that none of the first six customers have browsed or bought wine or done what the market research says they should be doing .
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