Example sentences of "[conj] pull down the " in BNC.

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1 Tilting the head back , aiming accurately and pulling down the lower lid were other areas of difficulty .
2 Then he went to the front of the shop and pulled down the blinds .
3 She touched her soft cheeks , the once-proud cheekbones lost beneath a covering of fat and pulled down the sagging flesh beneath her bloodshot eyes ; she had never been beautiful , now she was merely plain .
4 Guillamon leaned forward and pulled down the lower lid of his eye .
5 A group of people was being alternately shoved and pulled down the roadway , the shafts of Sellsword spears hastening them on their way .
6 He would reach up catch the chain on the left hand side with his hook — a quick pull — a plop and on came the light — and the poor chap had to circle the city again in the morning and pull down the right hand side to extinguish them .
7 ‘ Then there was a dash to shut the windows and pull down the blinds .
8 Their importance to the level of employment at the port was recognised by the journeymen carpenters who in 1792 let it be known that if the slave trade were abolished they would riot and pull down the houses of leading abolitionists .
9 While pulling down the ropes between the stalactites , crane your neck upwards and peer at the bolted lines of Jacky Godoffe 's grade eights , such as Autoportrait ( 8b+ ) .
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