Example sentences of "[conj] achieve the [det] " in BNC.

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1 He could have sat down with only one of them and achieved the same guidance on weight and machining capability , but three of them came to the meeting , which he thought typical of engineers .
2 If every surgeon in Britain used the most reliable prosthesis and achieved the same results as the best units the annual cost of revision operations would be £200m .
3 Maguire did the business as expected at Cheltenham and then travelled to Fairyhouse to ride Omerta in the Irish National and achieved the same result again .
4 Reducing taxes does not increase costs , but achieves the same desired end .
5 The second aspect of the school meals changes are with that alternative meal saving and would best be introduced erm if members were to decide that this is the way we wanted to go from April ninety five rather than in Sept September ninety four as suggested and attached to the report and that delays the savings , but achieves the same saving but not until nineteen ninety six seven and you will see that the figures have been amended and to take that into account and that 's on line fifty four B appendix ten .
6 to assess programme in order to know whether or not objectives have been achieved , to achieve other objectives effectively , and/or to achieve the same objectives more effectively next time .
7 9.8 Development of an m-derived section from a T-section ; ( a ) prototype , ( b ) series arms multiplied by m where , leaving the shunt arm to be determined and ( c ) complete T-type m-derived section with two series impedances in the shunt arm so as to achieve the same characteristic impedance as the prototype .
8 9.9 Development of an m-derived section from a Π-section ; ( a ) prototype , ( b ) shunt arms divided by m where , leaving the series arm to be determined and ( c ) complete Π-type m-derived section with two parallel impedances in the series arm so as to achieve the same characteristic impedance as the prototype .
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