Example sentences of "[conj] return to the " in BNC.

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1 They may be school leavers , graduates , people made redundant or returning to the job market after raising a family .
2 ‘ And you saw nothing either going or returning to the house which seemed suspicious or even unusual ? ’
3 As far as the administration is concerned , the debate over what to do next is governed to a large extent by what the American people say they are prepared to sacrifice to force General Noriega to retire or return to the United States to answer drug trafficking charges .
4 Typically where there are damaging consequences and where the sufferer feels the compulsion to continue to use or return to the substance Or behaviour of addiction despite those damaging consequences .
5 He had either to swim to the far bank or return to the undergrowth .
6 General Motors Corp may need to sell a stake in Electronic Data Systems Corp in order to overcome a $14,000m worldwide pension obligation , industry analysts told Reuter : chief financial officer Richard Wagoner said the automaker plans to make a ‘ significant contribution ’ into its pension fund this year and next year , and over the next six or seven years , hopes to eliminate its pension fund liability completely ; analysts say it could raise almost $5,000m by selling a 25% stake in the computer services giant , and Lehman Brothers automotive analyst Joseph Phillippi said he expects it either to sell a stake or return to the equity markets ; officials from both the General and British Telecommunications Plc say that any deal for the UK phone giant to buy a stake in EDS is far from certain .
7 On completion , a success or failure message will be displayed and the user will be able to repeat the operation or return to the DC Summary Report Index page .
8 On completion , a success or failure message will be displayed and the user will be able to repeat the operation or return to the DC Summary Report Index page .
9 On completion , a success or failure message will be displayed and the user will be able to repeat the operation or return to the DC Summary Report Index page .
10 On completion , a success or failure message will be displayed and the user will be able to repeat the operation or return to the DC Summary Report Index page .
11 On completion , a success or failure message will be displayed and the user will be able to repeat the operation or return to the DC Summary Report Index page .
12 On completion , a success or failure message will be displayed and the user will be able to repeat the operation or return to the SPR/SSR Summary Report Index page .
13 On completion , a success or failure message will be displayed and the user will be able to repeat the operation or return to the SPR/SSR Summary Report Index page .
14 A mechanism of transferring any remaining useful modules to new media items , releases media items either to be destroyed , in the case of optical disks , or returned to the system as ‘ new ’ media items , in the case of reusable media items such as magnetic disks .
15 Lorenzo with his Jessica await the return of Portia , remaining out in the still night rather than returning to the house .
16 Moving the special report , Section and Industrial Conferences and also President if I may , at the same time , moving motion one one one A on behalf of the C E C , rather than returning to the rostrum a second time .
17 If her smile was n't quite as enchanting as usual , her vivacity a little bit forced , it went quite unnoticed by the happy , laughing group that returned to the house .
18 Filmer was still beside her : the passengers tended all the time to linger at the tables , talking , after the meals had been cleared , rather than return to the solitude of their bedrooms .
19 In Kuwait , a few more chose to join an anti-Iraqi underground resistance movement rather than return to the plane .
20 The main argument presented here is that the General Strike was partly , but significantly , a consequence of the determination of successive governments to reduce wages , thus increasing unemployment in the short term , in the hope of strengthening the pound and returning to the gold standard — a view which has already been developed in Chapter 1 .
21 Cancelling commands and returning to the window
22 This is an unpleasant discovery which may shock you into giving up and returning to the relative comfort of Stage 1 .
23 That he was not abstracting water but merely utilizing it and returning to the river the same amount in improved condition , because contact with the turbine had aerated it , and it was better for the fish .
24 Because of the Suez crisis , short-term regulars to whom we 'd previously said our goodbyes were getting re-mobilised and returning to the Canal one .
25 Tightening the cord of my pyjamas , blinkered by my loosened hair , I listened outside the door of North One , where the sound had led me , a musical instrument playing a familiar tune , I could n't recall the name ; playing it so far , stumbling on a phrase and returning to the beginning .
26 In these past two years and more , since Matthew had been employed with David , distancing himself from the old man and returning to the family fold , Beth had never stopped hoping that one day he might turn to her with affection .
27 6 The exercise is completed by landing and returning to the crouched position .
28 as long as it is a round trip commencing in and returning to the United Kingdom .
29 I have heard of the boats of a whaler entering an estuary and returning to the ship , nearly filled with Black Swans destroyed in this manner . ’
30 I am looking for photographs of pilots , aircraft and airfields that would be available to copy and return to the original owners .
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