Example sentences of "[conj] indeed [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The requirements of the sectors which are expanding today bear little resemblance to the requirements of the industries of the last century , or indeed to the industry of only a few decades ago .
2 Viner was able to analyse and illustrate that the formation of a CU was not necessarily advantageous to individual countries , to the union as a whole , or indeed to the world as a whole .
3 In the nineteen hundreds , he was concerned with the foundations of mathematics , and then for the remainder of his life , roughly between nineteen-ten and nineteen-fifty , or indeed to the very end of his life , he was concerned with two sets of knowledge , erm problems in the theory of knowledge , and problems about social organization and personal conduct .
4 She reasoned that , if the Shills wished not to be disturbed , it was no business of hers or indeed of the police .
5 Dawn was advised that she might obtain more money if she went to court , but she felt that this would be too hard for her emotionally , even though she had no memory of the accident or indeed of the friend who had died .
6 The overall structure of the repressor when bound to DNA is little changed from that of the holorepressor ( Fig. 2 a ) , or indeed of the free aporepressor .
7 ‘ No class in Russian history ’ , to quote a leading liberal historian , ‘ has had a more momentous impact on the destinies of that nation or indeed of the modern world . ’
8 Both these theories rely on the individuating properties of place , without however offering a satisfactory clarification of the concept of place , or indeed of the origins of the idea of numerical identity .
9 Few of the million or so visitors who take advantage of the Garden as a public amenity each year are aware of the scientific heritage behind the Garden , or indeed of the high level of scientific work which goes on behind the scenes today .
10 If it is difficult to forecast future savings for the school , will there be good reasons for appointing staff on a one-year or shorter-term contract and , if so , what effect could this have on school morale , planning , extra-curricular activities , or indeed on the teacher concerned ?
11 It seems fanciful to imagine that the existence of a handful of male victims and female defendants would have any impact either on the future development by the judges of the substantive law of rape or on the handling of rape cases by the police , or indeed on the way that rape is generally perceived .
12 Since the proclamation of Czech independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918 , the castle has sheltered the president of the Czech Republic , and you may have to make way for an enfilade of black limousines or indeed for the changing of the guard every hour in their colourful new uniforms .
13 For example , it may be used by the banking ‘ arm ’ to the advantage of favoured customers or indeed for the banks own account .
14 I think this is detracting , I think it 's inconsiderate , it certainly shows a lack of respect for one 's neighbours or indeed for the town one lives in and yet very often I 'm fully aware of the fact that the people who do the dropping are the first to complain that the Council does n't keep the town clean .
15 On the debit side , there is unlikely to have been a significant shift of travel in such a small town from cars towards public transport or indeed towards the bicycle .
16 Another thing occurs to me — my machines take offence if another machine is introduced into the room — or indeed into the house .
17 ( The context here makes the other possible reading , that the speaker is characteristically nervous all of the time , so unlikely as not to be considered apparently by the addressee , or indeed by the analyst until the process of analysis was brought to conscious attention . )
18 The origin of life on a planet can be a very improbable event indeed by our everyday standards , or indeed by the standards of the chemistry laboratory , and still be sufficiently probable to have occurred , not just once but many times , all over the universe .
19 That is incorrect , the report has never been considered by a committee of the County Council or indeed by the County Council .
20 This is the first time that the award has gone to somebody from the hotel and catering industry , or indeed from the service sector as a whole .
21 ‘ There is nothing I can do or say to save you from the wrath of God , or indeed from the wrath of your own father , poor man . ’
22 In the quality of their enthusiasm there is nothing to choose between them or indeed in the sums of money they are anxious to spend .
23 I do not mean to distinguish here between ‘ work ’ and ‘ leisure ’ ; nor am I arguing , on the basis of such a distinction , that ‘ education for leisure ’ is just as important as ‘ education for work ’ , a thesis often defended by those anxious to justify education in sports or indeed in the arts .
24 There may also have been earlier differences in the decision whether to take ‘ no further action ’ after arrest , or indeed in the decision by the police to arrest .
25 But clearly someone with without a background in health services , or indeed in the management of health services .
26 In prolonged breeding , on the other hand , mating takes place over much longer periods of time , or indeed throughout the year .
27 The Chancellor provided no clue on whether any policy change was in prospect during his address , but when asked about joining the exchange rate mechanism of the EMS on the BBC 's Newsnight programme he said : ‘ I have no new announcement to make about that , neither today nor indeed at the Mansion House ’ — referring to his annual speech on monetary policy and City issues at a banquet there next Thursday night .
28 But Mr Lawson later told BBC Television 's Newsnight : ‘ I have no new announcement to make about that , neither today nor indeed at the Mansion House . ’
29 All the lanes must have once been extremely important , but nothing on the map nor indeed on the ground suggests this .
30 Can you just confirm that it 's never been the practice to have an oral statement in this house on er prescription charges , neither under this Conservative government nor indeed under the pre previous Labour government who were always deeply embarrassed by increasing prescription charges .
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