Example sentences of "[conj] wait for a " in BNC.

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1 If you 've had to put a plan on ice or wait for an opportune moment to announce a life-expanding decision then you need wait no longer .
2 Repeat them movement , while counting to 4 slowly , as often as you can — for instance while washing the dishes or waiting for a bus .
3 Mr Lambert said : ‘ It may be that this man was hitch-hiking or waiting for a lift . ’
4 Other locals , not directly involved with the gangs , but basking in the glory and the protection bought rounds of drinks or waited for a chance to join in the conversation .
5 Friends believe he may take the post rather than wait for a by-election to resume his career .
6 Rather than wait for a third guy , Lee sets his ball down quick and hits it .
7 How much better it is to remove trees carefully rather than wait for a gale to do it in an uncoordinated way .
8 It was a silent final , one of the decisive points being David Smith 's decision to quietly take an easy single at the fourth end rather than wait for a more decisive 2 at the later end .
9 Rather than wait for an employment appeal tribunal , they went on strike .
10 So also , where an impoverished family left their accommodation on receipt of a distress warrant for rent arrears rather than wait for an eviction order , they were held by the House of Lords to have become homeless intentionally and this encouraged local housing authorities to require such orders before accepting such homeless applicants .
11 Pregnant women whose babies are overdue may be better off being induced rather than waiting for a spontaneous birth .
12 It 's late now , and it 'll be quicker than waiting for a cab — and it 's insured for all drivers .
13 if Frank can get some first team football in spain i guess he feels that it will be better for his career than waiting for a chance at leeds — a chance that much likely will not come up .
14 I urge the assembly to accept this amendment to depart from this statement , to commend to our churches the use of the apostle 's creed and to wait for a day of broad theological agreement which in the providence of God and by the work of the holy spirit will surely come and then agree upon a statement of faith which we shall all agree and be able to commend enthusiastically to the church but until then to depart from this one .
15 You could almost stand and wait for a horse to deliver .
16 Numbers on the train were greatly reduced at Georgemas where those going to Wick had to dismount and wait for a connecting Sprinter .
17 You have to be sure the bird is very hungry , and if it 's not you have to sit down and wait for a long , long time .
18 His constitution was now in place , his political position at home was very strong , but he was almost seventy years of age and could hardly afford to sit back and wait for a long-term transformation to solve Algeria 's problems .
19 Pluck a London-based journalist out of the office ; put him or her on a train with a party heavyweight ; and wait for a slice of prime grassroots ham to arrive .
20 Once the message was on the wire , he had little else to do except sit back and wait for a few days .
21 Yesterday West Yorkshire officers advised women to stay in their cars and wait for a patrol if they break down .
22 It might seem a smaller risk to stick to stores and wait for a retailing boom to return .
23 If your flow of ideas dries up , return to your central idea and wait for a new thought .
24 The resulting larvae sit on the sand or climb up any grass present and wait for a mammal to pass by .
25 He said she was to go to Ludgate Circus , stand on the south corner of Fleet Street at 6.30 p.m. and wait for a cab to pull in and pick her up .
26 of your block of flats and wait for a sign .
27 They 've given her something and she , she had to put this stuff on her hair , had to take a trip to the hairdresser and he said to the hairdresser comb my hair first and then put this stuff on and wait for a fortnight and it did come a little lighter , but it was n't much
28 He would just have to play along for a while and wait for an opportunity .
29 PAMELA : [ alone ] After what has passed I must leave this house and go to the next town and wait for an opportunity to get home to my parents .
30 The consequences of a low initial limit was that a solicitor would either have to stop work at an early stage and wait for an extension to be authorised , which ‘ is time-consuming , causes delay and raises difficulties with clients , ’ or work on without an extension .
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