Example sentences of "[conj] describe [pers pn] as " in BNC.

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1 He wrote a preface to David Jones 's In Parenthesis in which he noted the fact that Jones was of the same generation as Pound and himself ; he also wrote a preface to Lewis 's One-Way Song and described him as one of those who had been falsely labelled by " the Messenmensch " as a fascist but nevertheless chose " to walk alone " .
2 Malcolm Muggeridge later said that Burgess ‘ gave me a feeling of being morally afflicted in some way ’ , and described him as the ‘ sick toast of a sick society ’ .
3 Only last week he had told him to get out of the bath and described him as ‘ a little rat ’ .
4 His brother Gary said Mr Dearlove had two children an 11-year-old boy and seven-year-old girl and described him as ‘ a loving and devoted father ’ .
5 Soviet writers observed that these resolutions corresponded with resolutions on eliminating foreign bases in the Third World adopted in the UN General Assembly ( for example at the Twenty-First Session in December 1965 ) and described them as part of the broader ‘ struggle against imperialism ’ .
6 Simpson called it quantum evolution and described it as one of three evolutionary modes .
7 Lesbian feminists have researched and analysed our society 's intentional promotion of heterosexuality and described it as ‘ compulsory heterosexuality ’ .
8 By the latter half of the century , the majority of books on child care — which were enjoying a tremendous popularity — strongly recommended breast-feeding and described it as the normal practice ( Fildes 1980 ) .
9 Some elements in the Argentine military , along with members of the opposition UCR , characterized the abandonment of the missile programme as a capitulation to US demands , and described it as an irresponsible move at a time when Chile was suspected to be seeking a new missile .
10 Robin Cook , the shadow trade and industry secretary , said the Government had put forward the biggest tax increases for any Budget in history and described it as a ‘ Budget of failure and a Budget of cheats ’ .
11 They must have drunk deeply because the very next week in her column Beatrice introduces her readers to a ‘ charming book of Breton verse by Max Jacob ’ , translates a poem of his and describes him as ‘ one of the few classical critics in the world ’ .
12 The opposition Sandinista National Liberation Front ( FSLN ) withdrew its 39 delegates indefinitely from the 92-member National Assembly on June 18 , protesting over a " reactionary initiative " to remove two 1990 laws on land redistribution and describing it as the first step of a plan to destroy the achievements of the 1979 revolution .
13 The doctor , a man named Champney , realised he could do no more for her but , on hearing of the stranger ( Mary Ashley did not know Tawell , but described him as a Quaker ) , he set out to trace him .
14 Newspaper reports of a " secret " meeting between Mandela , Tambo and President F. W. de Klerk on Dec. 17 caused embarrassment for the ANC , which later admitted that a meeting had taken place but described it as " a long-scheduled meeting of the working group looking into the suspension of armed actions " .
15 But to describe him as a " deliberate plagiarist " may overlook another , but unknown fact : that he was assured , at the time he used the material , that the originator 's consent had been forthcoming .
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