Example sentences of "[conj] expect [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is no classical explanation for the slowing down ; however , the rate of energy loss is exactly that expected via gravitational radiation .
2 Inevitably this procedure , in the early years , worked less than smoothly , with budgets drawn up hurriedly under the pressure of reorganisation , and the Ministry being quite glad on occasion if they were exceeded , since this simply meant that the industry had achieved more than expected with limited physical resources .
3 President Bush has won the New Hampshire Republican primary by a narrower margin than expected after tough competition from the Right-winger , Pat Buchanan .
4 Unemployment was higher than expected by 3 per cent or more at Ulster ( 5.5 ) , Liverpool and Queen Mary College , London ( both 4.8 ) , East Anglia ( 3.4 ) and Sheffield , Aberystwyth and the London School of Economics ( all 3.2 ) .
5 According to UBS Phillips & Drew , building societies survived the downturn in the housing market better than expected in 1992 ; the brokers forecast that falls in pre-tax profits will average only 7% .
6 On the one hand , the laity would not understand the complexity of the issues because of their poor understanding of Christian doctrine and the intricacies of morality ; on the other , the area of the sacred in the political arena was clearly defined , and clear guidance from the clerical church was both necessary and expected by good Christian politicians .
7 High average wind speeds tend to stunt the upward growth of plants and encourage the lateral growth of dwarf forms , e.g. of Calluna vulgaris or Juniperus communis , though prostrate forms of the former are not encountered as frequently as expected on exposed mountain plateaux .
8 One might interpret this in relation to stronger group orientation , as expected of those who are field-dependent , nevertheless the task might be expected to be easier for those who are more used to visual processing .
9 It is a possibility which should always be borne in mind when neck spasm is being treated , particularly if it does not respond as expected to tension-release techniques .
10 A sequential connectivity pathway is observed between aromatic and H1' protons , and between aromatic and H2' , H2 protons ( data not shown ) as expected for right-handed helical DNA .
11 As expected in such a long-established market noted for its love of Queen 's Ware , I examined a good deal of cream coloured earthenware of 19th and early 20th century origin , ’ said Lynn .
12 The Working Party on Partnership in Validation met seven times between November 1977 and May 1979 , and submitted an interim report as expected in 1978 — only to find its proposals rejected by the Council .
13 CONTROLS on imported fish will be enforced more strictly , the European Commission confirmed yesterday in Brussels , as expected after recent protests by Scottish , Welsh , English and French fishermen against cheap imports , mainly from Russian ships .
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