Example sentences of "[conj] nothing about [art] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , given that in the words of one critic , the implementation of Model B , for example , would result in ‘ a massive realignment of powers and institutions , raising profound questions of identity for the universities as well as the polytechnics ’ the Green Paper says little or nothing about a national policy for higher education .
2 Although these techniques developed by Sibbald et al ( 25 ) using a computer programme to determine the optimum allocation of land to agriculture and forestry make it possible to reach a more objective decision about the allocation of land to agriculture or forestry in an integrated scheme we , as yet , know little or nothing about the impact of agriculture or forest development on rural communities .
3 It means giving the report to someone who knows little or nothing about the actual subject and asking them to say what they do n't understand about it , right down to individual words and sentences .
4 We are also aware that for the majority of women , a visit to a car showroom or Service Department can be a difficult and sometimes downright unpleasant experience due to indifferent attitudes by some Sales/Service staff who are under the misguided impression that because you are female you know little or nothing about the motor car .
5 Many recognised the ‘ Rameses ’ and ‘ Catherine ’ titles , but had seen neither show , and knew little or nothing about the imminent Turkish and Vatican exhibitions .
6 They come with minds as empty as their notebooks , knowing little or nothing about the subject .
7 She herself knew little or nothing about the organisation , and Donna wished she could have happened upon someone as knowledgeable on the subject as Mahoney had been .
8 Members frequently make the comment that they know little or nothing about the structure of the IBOA , the decision-making process — in short how the IBOA operates .
9 ‘ It shall be the duty of any person who erects or installs any article for use at work in any premises where that article is to be used by persons at work to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that nothing about the way in which it is erected or installed makes it unsafe or a risk to health when properly used . ’
10 She was accustomed to speaking her mind , knew less than nothing about the subject , and uttered the word which no genteel person , particularly a woman , would have spoken , or even known .
11 Barney was n't often stumped but she knew less than nothing about the sport .
12 The Patois index therefore tells us everything and nothing about an individual speaker : it tells us whether that person uses many or few Patois features overall in their talk , but nothing about how he or she uses Patois and English as part of a communicative strategy .
13 The article said nothing about my answers to these critics , and nothing about the content of my actual talk at Wellesley College .
14 The other CD had at least a text explaining the context of each piece , but again no libretto and nothing about the opera or its composer .
15 The closed blades were not smeared with blood , and nothing about the scissors screamed out that they had taken a human life .
16 However , insurrection and revolution , whether by peasants or others , explain little more than the timing of some cases of serf emancipation , and nothing about the abolition of slavery .
17 The first draft has ‘ he thought to himself ’ but nothing about the sister .
18 It is a system insidious but extremely powerful , where pupils may end up learning quite a lot about the way of life in ancient Rome and Greece but nothing about the way of life of their fellow pupils who are black .
19 You spent some time describing how the linesiders were disappointed but nothing about the sterling work done by the loco department at Loughborough to put matters right and ensure a full days running on the Sunday .
20 He knows all about the figures but nothing about the reality behind them .
21 I felt the soap operas were raising issues about how you survived and coped in the late eighties that both addressed political issues and also involved me emotionally , whereas nothing about the formal election coverage got to me at all — apart from the Labour Party Political Broadcast , the first one in history to be repeated by popular demand !
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