Example sentences of "[conj] lead to the " in BNC.

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1 It has certainly not been the only movement , nor has it always taken the same form or led to the same conclusions .
2 This obsession with changing its environment sometimes causes the Beaver to fall foul of local authorities , particularly when the end result obstructs the migratory routes of Salmon or leads to the flooding of woodlands and highways .
3 The demolition of a building does not of itself constitute development , though , of course , it may form part of a building operation , or lead to the making of a material change in the use of the land upon which it stood .
4 At Paternoster Square , Lipton was involved in the competition that led to the appointment of Arup Associates , whose scheme was promptly criticised by Prince Charles .
5 There are some very good photographs and some intriguing snippets of information — Michael Bowyer tells how the Operational Requirement that led to the Hampden and Wellington specified that the aircraft should have folding wings for hangar storage !
6 What it could not agree on was how the budget was to be balanced ; and it was this disagreement that led to the break-up of the government .
7 In the beginning there was carbon , and after several generations of Super Novae there was the solar system and then there were a whole lot of trees and they all fell down plonk into bogs and got turned into coal , and that led to the dinosaurs and that led to the mammals and that led to humans and that led to the miners . ’
8 In the beginning there was carbon , and after several generations of Super Novae there was the solar system and then there were a whole lot of trees and they all fell down plonk into bogs and got turned into coal , and that led to the dinosaurs and that led to the mammals and that led to humans and that led to the miners . ’
9 In the beginning there was carbon , and after several generations of Super Novae there was the solar system and then there were a whole lot of trees and they all fell down plonk into bogs and got turned into coal , and that led to the dinosaurs and that led to the mammals and that led to humans and that led to the miners . ’
10 A brief moon between clouds outside sharpened the lines of boxwood that led to the wooden gate .
11 When he passed the entry that led to the bathrooms and toilets , he became more circumspect .
12 Together with the agreement that led to the lifting of the Ad Valorem duties , which required US companies to invest a certain proportion of their earnings in Britain , Eady led to a considerable increase in British-based American production .
13 The occasions that stand out in the three decades of our post-imperial era are : Duncan Sandys ' 1957 decision to recommend the end of National Service , which almost halved the Army ; the Kennedy/Macmillan Polaris agreement at Nassau in 1962 that led to the RAF losing responsibility to the Royal Navy for the British nuclear deterrent ; Denis Healey 's scrapping of the TSR2 in 1965 , which threatened to ‘ unhorse ’ the RAF 's knights ; his cancellation of the aircraft-carrier replacement programme in 1966 , which did much the same thing to the Royal Navy ; and John Nott 's attempt in 1981 to maintain the strength of the Rhine Army and RAF Germany at the expense of our maritime capability .
14 1957 : Duncan Sandys ' ‘ Big Bang ’ philosophy , that led to the end of National Service ; 1965 : Denis Healey 's rolling Defence reviews , ending in the withdrawal from East of Suez ; 1974 : Roy Mason 's concentration of resources on Western European Defence , taking the withdrawal from empire to its logical conclusion ; 1981 : John Nott 's intended sacrifice of Maritime in favour of Continental capability , that was aborted by the Falklands Campaign .
15 His energetic , though convoluted , diplomacy gave reality to ‘ containment ’ with the formation of SEATO in May 1954 ; the extension of the Brussels Treaty in 1954 to include the rearmament of West Germany and the British pledge to keep four divisions on the Continent ; and the signing of the Baghdad Pact in February 1955 that led to the formation of CENTO in 1957 .
16 It was Ali 's martyrdom that led to the great schism in Islam between Sunni and Shia ; but here the Victory Arch becomes confusing .
17 Facing him was the main front door , the door that led to the outside world .
18 They walked together up the slope from the gate , passing the long high wall of Brooke Parker 's chemical works and the wide opening that led to the top of Thorpe Street .
19 Eve , picking up on some of Ari 's melancholy without understanding the cause , hugged her as they thundered along the straight , smooth road that led to the city .
20 A young , innocent man , very knowledgeable about ferrets , the driver had led me across a scrubby field that led to the riverbank and had then triumphantly pointed to a weathered stone below a thorn bush .
21 It was an awareness of this contrast that led to the Cubists ' interest in the violin and the guitar as plastic forms around 1910 .
22 Slowly she dragged herself along one of the paths that led to the house .
23 Among the material contained in the KGB files are the Soviet version of the attempted CIA assassination of Fidel Castro ; the biography of a high-level Soviet scientist known as Tolkachov whose spying on behalf of the CIA during the 1980s led to a devastating penetration of the Soviet radar defence system and , in 1987 , Tolkachov 's execution ; and the revelation of joint CIA–KGB operations during the Gulf war that led to the pre-emptive destruction of much of Saddam Hussein 's offensive missile power .
24 The accord , signed 10 days ago , is aimed at preventing the sort of conflicts that led to the break-up of the Soviet Union from being repeated within Russia .
25 Having consolidated his base , he launched an aggressive drive that led to the take-over of Newcastle Breweries and several smaller Edinburgh companies to form Scottish & Newcastle , which by the time he retired as chairman in 1969 was supplying about 10 per cent of British beer sales .
26 We went through the door and into a hallway that led to the dressing rooms … .
27 He held up the tent-flap that led to the theatre .
28 By the second half Scotland was fighting for her life , and a missed tackle gave the opening that led to the home team 's great goal .
29 That led to the Hundred Years War , and in the summer of 1346 , Edward III landed in Normandy and that led to the battle of Crecy on 26th .
30 In October 1889 , the British Government became determined not to allow any threat to the British strategical supremacy in South Africa , and that led to the outbreak of another Boer War , which included some humiliating defeats in the initial stages and the two great sieges at Ladysmith and Mafeking which were finally relieved in 1900 .
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