Example sentences of "[conj] send [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We are prepared to clobber the ganger working on the Keighley and Worth Valley railway or his notional supervisor , or send him to prison .
2 I 'll ground him , or send him to his room .
3 fifty pence each , right , erm , and er fill in the slips and either bring them back to us or send them off yourself to Headquarters , shall I put , I 'll put those out for anybody who feel they could sell them , it all , it all helps to raise money for Amnesty and helps to get them erm spend the money on the new prisoner 's .
4 Please pass on your ideas — whether they 're articles , photographs , or cartoons — to your local correspondent or send them to me directly at Key Street , and do not hesitate to telephone on with any suggestions you may have .
5 To arrange your Travel Insurance simply complete the Proposal Form and hand it in or send it with your payment to any Royal Bank of Scotland branch .
6 If you are thinking of moving and would welcome a free market valuation , or if you would like to know more about this offer , simply complete the attached voucher and take it into your local Birmingham Midshires Property Services branch , or send it to us , FREEPOST , ( no stamp required ) .
7 If you would like more information about how CREDO Mid-Pay can release you from payroll drudgery , simply fill in the attached coupon and take or send it to your local Midland branch manager .
8 Additionally the ADC-10 can perform many functions that are only currently available on expensive digital storage oscilloscope such as saving waveforms to disk , or sending them to a printer .
9 If no list has been registered , or the persons named have died , or ceased to reside in Great Britain , or refuse to accept service on the company 's behalf or for any reason can not be served , a document may be served on the company by leaving it at , or sending it by post to , any place of business established by the company in Great Britain .
10 Subject to the requirements of any act or particular rule ( as to which see below ) any document may be served , if the person to be served is acting in person , by delivering it to him personally or by delivering it at , or sending it by first class post to , the address he has given for service .
11 If he has given no address for service , service may be effected by delivering the document at his residence or by sending it by first class post to his last known residence , or in the case of a proprietor of a business , by delivering the document at his place of business or sending it by first class post to his last known place of business ( Ord 7 , r 1 ) .
12 If the person to be served is represented by a solicitor , the document may be served by delivering the document at , or sending it by first class post to , the solicitor 's address for service ( Ord 7 , r 1(b) ) .
13 Service may be effected on the solicitor : ( 1 ) if by delivering the document at , or sending it by first-class post to the solicitor 's address for service , service by post is deemed to have been effected at the time the letter would have been delivered in the ordinary course of post ( s 7 of the Interpretations Act 1978 ) : or ( 2 ) where the solicitor 's address for service includes a numbered box at a document exchange in a county court , and the document is left at that exchange or at an exchange which transmits daily to the first exchange , it is then deemed to have been served on the second day after the day on which it was left , but any day on which the court office in which one or both exchanges is situated is shut shall not be taken into account ( Ord 1 , r 3 ; Ord 2 , r 5(1A) ; Ord 7 , rr 1(1) ( b ) , 1(3) , and ( 4 ) ) .
14 The state-owned Scottish Nuclear company , which operates Scotland 's two nuclear plants , has decided to " dry store " most of its spent nuclear fuel , rather than send it for reprocessing at the British Nuclear Fuels plant at Sellafield .
15 A major start has already been made with the agreement that Scottish Nuclear can store its spent fuel on site rather than send it to BNF 's reprocessing plant at Sellafield in Cumbria , which will save £45 million a year .
16 Two and a half years ago the Home Office introduced the Caution scheme , encouraging police to use their discretion to give some young offenders a warning , rather than sending them to court .
17 Indeed so high was their reputation for self-denial in this respect that in the first years of the twentieth century the brothers Paul and Jules Cambon , French ambassadors in London and Berlin respectively , entrusted their private correspondence regularly to the British diplomatic bag rather than sending it through the French ministry of foreign affairs or the French post office : if either of these channels had been used it would almost certainly have been opened and read .
18 The secret of her approach was care in preparation , and woe betide the department that sent her into battle badly briefed or not briefed at all .
19 Once all the books on the bottom shelf were used to make three gigantic pyramids that sent him into a fit of despair .
20 But it made me think of the voice that sent us to the bar ; he whispered then .
21 But the patient was okay , it was a false alarm , please thank them and send them on their way .
22 You 'd see two fellows fighting in the street — you 'd pull them up and send them on their way .
23 Get full statements from them and send them on their way . ’
24 Shorten the legs of that ugly iron bedstead , hack off the top and bottom rails and send them for salvage .
25 If you have the spare points put a couple of heroes on Pegasi and send them into the sky where they can cover the field .
26 The first survivors who reached the shore regrouped up the estuary past the bony tangles of mangrove in the forest at the arranged meeting place ; they were met there by a waiting group of islanders , men and women , ready to re-arm them and send them into battle .
27 I would like to take each tent by the comer and pull it down , and I would untether all the neat horses and the sleek , brushed bulls and send them with a huge cry into all the hills .
28 You will either get the four nos of the Synopsis from the work room drawing portfolio , in Government House and send them with the larger copy .
29 Just jot down your tips and ideas , including drawings if appropriate , and send them to us .
30 If you want to make money , breed dogs and send them to America ’ .
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