Example sentences of "[conj] pay for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If a wife is going to be out all day and her husband refuses to help in the home , she may have to consider arranging or paying for help if she can afford to — in order to do what she wants to do .
2 — For me — who at the age of 14 & a half , was turned out into the world , literally without a farthing — & with nought to look to for a living but his own exertions , you may easily suppose this a necessary prejudice — & indeed — the tardy paying of many of my subscribers — renders it but too difficult to procure food — & pay for publishing , at once .
3 It is easy to Find more simple language in which the same ideas might have been expressed in a more humdrum context : delay for procrastinate , for example , or pay for remuneration .
4 The council statement said Coun Harvison and leader of the Labour group Arthur Taylor appreciated that paying for training was normal , ‘ but were concerned that the unemployed would not be able to apply for one of the 70 part-time instructors ’ jobs .
5 Employees also received a grant towards incidental expenses like buying carpets and curtains and paying for telephone installation .
6 Later , under the 1907 provisions for the medical inspection of children , parents ( and again the responsibility usually fell on the mother ) were told what was wrong with their children but were left with the task of seeking and paying for treatment , dependants being excluded from the provisions of the 1911 National Health Insurance Act .
7 Our friend the Reverend G. M. Musgrave , disembarking at Boulogne a dozen years earlier , was much impressed by the French system : ‘ The contrivances for receiving , weighing , marking and paying for luggage were simple and excellent .
8 It would mean pricing and paying for air and other environmental resources .
9 When sailing independently in any yacht you 'll be responsible for port dues and paying for top up fuel .
10 So I reckon that it 's up to me to get a job and pay for Dad 's medical care . ’
11 The musicians are paid a pittance , eat out on the street at night and pay for floor space to sleep in a garage until they are turned out at dawn .
12 Employers with pay policy enables mothers to return to work and pay for quality child-care , can be of great benefit in an area where there 's a high proportion of single parent families or families where the mother is the major the breadwinner At a company offers equal opportunity regardless of race , colour or sex , heightens the feeling of self-esteem and potential of individuals within minority groups and this self- esteem can be catching .
13 It will campaign on support for single mothers and on care for the disabled , and pay for research into Down 's syndrome .
14 There is no provision for GPs to refer their patients for an ‘ estimate ’ before deciding whether or not they wish to proceed and pay for treatment — a provision which , whilst solving some of the problems outlined above , would create unacceptable ethical problems of its own .
15 Buyers to account and pay for VAT on gold
16 Their claim has even less validity now that BBC Enterprises produces and pays for training videos by itself , with no broadcast element .
17 However , we urgently need around £2,000 to £2,500 to get it printed and to pay for postage .
18 However , we urgently need around £2,000 to £2,500 to get it printed and to pay for postage .
19 " The emeralds fetched enough to gain the physician 's goodwill and to pay for board and passage back to England when I was ready .
20 They save their child benefit and draw it monthly to help buy big items , like new jeans bought after the DHSS turned down his application for a clothing grant , and to pay for driving lessons — he 's hoping to get a job as a driver .
21 It was their first lesson of many , that what was promised and paid for bore little relation to what would be received .
22 The money was demanded and paid for tax , yet no tax was due : there was a payment for no consideration .
23 When I stayed with my husband and children at the Holcombe Hotel in Oxfordshire on the Great Escapes scheme this summer I was told I would get free accommodation as long as I stayed for two nights and paid for dinner and breakfast at a cost of £33.20 each per day .
24 It will be up to trusts to decide whether to pay for training and permit time off for it .
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