Example sentences of "[conj] as a child " in BNC.

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1 Often strong feelings of mistrust or vulnerability come because of something going badly wrong in another church or as a child .
2 A woman can present herself in various roles : as a ‘ mother figure ’ , or as a child appealing to her husband 's paternal instinct .
3 I DO not remember that as a child I played cowboys and Indians very much .
4 His sister Elizabeth remembered that as a child he half closed his eyes at meal times as he sat with his family .
5 Once her mother , talking of Christmas , had said that as a child she had herself received no presents , as it had never occurred to anyone to buy such things — but that one year her elder brother , thinking to tease her , had hung at the end of her bed a stocking , and that when , excited , she had sprung to open it , she found it contained ashes from last night 's grate .
6 I explained how it was that as a child I had been told I was an eidetiker but that it had meant nothing to me .
7 And as a child his own household included not only his father 's father but his mother 's grandmother , who spent most of her days hidden away ‘ in her own cabin ’ , but who would emerge on Sundays , always knitting a long stocking .
8 . ’ To the non-musician , the name Mozart means the archetypal prodigy , the boy who started composing at four years old , and as a child touring the courts of Europe astounded monarchs with his amazing aptitude for keyboard playing ; who at 14 copied out from memory a complex choral piece heard once in the Sistine Chapel ; who died in mysterious circumstances and was given a pauper 's funeral in an unmarked grave .
9 Already the various structural elements in Nizan 's psychology are becoming apparent : a brooding sense of death nurtured in his formative months and years as an infant and as a child ; a childhood admiration for the values and life-style of his father , a man exuding certainty , conviction and power , a man involved in the practical problems of everyday existence ; a corresponding indifference for the seemingly hollow existence of his mother preoccupied with family duties , social functions and religious rites ; an implicit recognition that the path to be followed was to be located somewhere in the dynamic working-class origins of his father rather than in the passive middle-class origins of his mother ; a sense of loneliness as a child compensated by a deeply experienced relationship with his father , an idol , the source of knowledge and truth .
10 And as a child did you know that that you you did n't use this room to ?
11 N well I , I , I had , why I was so positive about it , I had an uncle who had it very badly and as a child I was very aware of his hands , they were quite inhuman looking , they were that shape , and you know everything he did he , he had to that and that 's remained in my mind that when I got it I though I wo n't have the hands like that so I r I w I go , I went to sleep , I still do it , every night , spread my hands , the last thing I think about , spread the hands .
12 He was educated in Falmouth , and as a child he was interested in natural history .
13 Says Morrissey : ‘ If as a child , you live in an environment where your parents do n't get on , it 's quite crippling .
14 But as a child she had many times been wrested ( as it felt to her ) from her known environment into some strange place , leaving her totally confused .
15 But as a child refugee , he needed all his resources to cope .
16 But as a child it er to me I thou I think it was er very good .
17 Hannah is obviously a natural musician , although the aforementioned modesty forbids her to agree with that assessment But as a child she quickly learned to play both piano and organ with none of the pain and stress often endured by most youngsters , even those with natural skills .
18 He also told us how he had nourished the fire of hate inside him , ever since as a child of seven he had been spat upon by a white man .
19 Some of the houses were haunted , though as a child I did n't know they were haunted .
20 When as a child I had alluded to Mr Broadhurst 's corpulence , my mother had snapped at me .
21 When as a child one Christmas ,
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