Example sentences of "[conj] all the rest " in BNC.

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1 When we returned from our honeymoon , feeling bronzed and glowing , a drinks party was held so that all the rest of the family and our friends might share in our celebration .
2 What tells me that all the rest was wrong ?
3 But , as far as I was concerned , he was just another rockabilly who 'd park his flash motor out the front and seemed to have more money than all the rest of us put together .
4 I love that land more than all the rest of the world .
5 In every bream swim there is one very small area which will produce more bream than all the rest of the swim put together .
6 Friendly rivalry is encouraged between the 12 groups and the children learn chants such as ‘ we 're simply the best , better than all the rest ’ .
7 ( To understand the violence of this explosion , we can realize that a supernova may temporarily shine brighter than all the rest of the 100 billion or so stars in its galaxy put together . )
8 Silicon availability has McNealy bragging that Sun will have more multiprocessing servers out with customers by the end of this year than all the rest of the industry combined in the history of the world .
9 Silicon availability has McNealy bragging that Sun will have more multiprocessing servers out by the end of this year than all the rest of the world combined in the history of the world .
10 By focussing on disk and file management , XTree Gold does it better than all the rest .
11 By then British economic growth rates since 1973 had undergone a transformation and were better , over the years 1981–5 , than all the rest of the EC except Denmark and Luxembourg .
12 Let me but get my hands on one of that grisly crew , and you 'll put me in better fettle than all the rest in the world .
13 Ten minutes with Morgan was more informative than all the rest of his questioning put together .
14 He had scorned her honour , but she had more than all the rest , Isabel thought bitterly .
15 But in recompense I have received a gift worth more than all the rest put together .
16 And Wallis 's store in Castle Place , Belfast , will go one better than all the rest , by stocking both petite and large size ranges , which go up to 16 .
17 You can afford to be cheap and cheerful when it comes to just about every other accessory , but a bag says more about you than all the rest put together .
18 I mean I 've got , some of my best friends are fucking sub contractors as you know , really good friends , I mean Jonesy brilliant friend , a great friend , a nice geezer , er Bill beautifully bloke , really nice , but they should be the first ones out the door , Rumbolds should think more of their permanent staff than they do their fucking contractors staff that 's what makes this company work , that 's what makes this company worst than all the rest , ok , you get , you get Union companies which are , must employ sub contractors all the time ,
19 Better than all the rest better than anyone .
20 than all the rest better than anyone
21 Grant that , and all the rest makes sense as well …
22 If I never did anything but sit in this room and powder my face and tell you what a clever fool you are , i should still be heavens high above the millions of common women who do their domestic duty , and sacrifice themselves , and run Trade departments and all the rest of the vulgarities .
23 Genius is the bust of Beethoven and Keats dying and Shelley dying and the size of War and Peace and poor old Sartre banging away at his trilogy and Hemingway paring it down to its essence and Monet unable to distinguish colours any more and Picasso staring out at the camera with his chest bare and his eyes blazing and Cézanne snarling like a dog and then walking out of Aix with his canvas and paints on his back to paint that mountain and Byron dying and Pushkin dying and all the rest of it .
24 And all the rest of it .
25 So for the rest of the month I was in charge of wages , piece rates , training , negotiations and all the rest of it , and then one day a month I was regularly calling on the same customers in Bloomsbury and I was collecting money , selling the goods and so on , which I think was a very important part of my continued training .
26 And all the rest of humanity which offended you , too : Jews , gipsies , the mentally handicapped , Poles , Russians — the Untermensch — — the subhuman , subhuman because they did not have blue eyes and blond hair , white skin or , that vaguest , and because most vague , most potent of myths , the right blood .
27 Elaborate pricing mechanisms — the K-factors and all the rest — were set up by the government before the sell-off ; they were aimed at helping the industry , which had long been a victim of under-investment , to pay for a capital-spending programme of at least £18 billion over the next decade .
28 I think I knew , even then , that she needed not only my mother , but my father , and all the rest of us , to fix her bearings and to keep her world in focus .
29 And then on 10 April 1544 came Henry 's chilling order to his brother-in-law Edward , earl of Hertford , to put all to fire and sword , burn Edinburgh town , so razed and defaced when you have sacked and gotten what ye can of it , as there may remain forever a perpetual memory of the vengeance of God lightened upon ( them ) for their falsehood and disloyalty … and as many towns and villages about Edinburgh as ye may conveniently , sack Leith and burn and subvert it and all the rest , putting man , woman and child to fire and sword , without exception where any resistance shall be made against you ; and this done , pass over to the Fifeland and extend like extremities and destructions in all towns and villages whereunto you may reach conveniently , not forgetting among all the rest so to spoil and turn upside down the Cardinal 's town of St Andrews , as the upper stone may be the nether , and not one stick stand by another , sparing no creature alive within the same …
30 Capitalist accompanies its development with a fanfare about freedom of choice , free markets , and all the rest of it .
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