Example sentences of "[conj] not grant [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Where the person applying for leave to make an application for a section 8 order is not the child concerned , the court shall , in deciding whether or not to grant leave , have particular regard to — ( a ) the nature of the proposed application for the section 8 order ; ( b ) the applicant 's connection with the child ; ( c ) any risk there might be of that proposed application disrupting the child 's life to such an extent that he would be harmed by it ; and ( d ) where the child is being looked after by a local authority — ( i ) the authority 's plans for the child 's future ; and ( ii ) the wishes and feelings of the child 's parents .
2 Subsequently , the major concern perceived with the system of legal aid was that confusion and inefficiency were created by too many people having the ability to decide whether or not to grant help .
3 ‘ But where the sentence is substantial the offence will be grave , the risk the offender represents to the public can be significant and the difference which decision to grant or not to grant parole makes , may be more than a few months .
4 Regarding the type of development mentioned in ( b ) above , only a few planning authorities seem to consider odour emission to be a major factor when deciding whether or not to grant planning permission for development which would be sensitive to any existing odour emitting use .
5 On the question of whether or not to grant immigrants the right to vote in local elections , Michel Rocard , the PS Prime Minister , stated that the " extension of the right to vote in local elections to immigrants must be the consequence of successful integration , not its prerequisite " .
6 ( 2 ) Damage arising from a direct collision between vehicles insured by the parties to this Agreement and the Policy issued by one of those parties being a fleet insurance or part of a fleet insurance as defined hereunder a ) and not granting indemnity against such damage to the insured vehicle or b ) being subject to an excess of more than $100 in respect of such damage , that party shall pay a ) one half of the loss of the other party in respect of the damage to their Insured 's vehicle or b ) not more than half the excess save and except that if the amount recoverable is $50 or less this clause will be inoperative .
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