Example sentences of "[conj] they get [art] " in BNC.

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1 Neutralizing involves giving the employee work where their weaknesses can not cause problems and where they get a chance to use whatever strengths they possess .
2 Where they get the keys from , I do n't know .
3 If the old fool does n't die soon enough , or they get the chance of a better deal , it usually ends in divorce. ,
4 The insects either come to a sticky end ; lured by sugary solution onto a sundew which then slowly digests them , or they get the chop in more dramatic fashion after landing in the jaws of a Venus flytrap .
5 So difficult are they , in fact , that the debate usually begins and ends at the level of aphorism , with lots of commentators wringing their hands and saying that something must be done , while doctors , administrators , and others scramble to make sure that they get a bit of the action .
6 Erlich , rookie Fed , had demanded of the local police that they get a man up there , up to the nests , that they get each of the nests down , that they sift each of the nests on the very long chance that the storks had lifted a fibre of torn clothing to bind a nest wall .
7 It is a lot easier these days , so make up a little cocktail of compatible systemic insecticide and fungicide , plus a drip or two of washing-up detergent to achieve a good wetting , in a small bowl , and swish the two leaves of each cutting in the solution so that they get a good wetting and protective coating .
8 ‘ I think what 's interesting is … the people ( at The Mind Gym ) who are doing this thing , they do a lot of communal work where a lot of people will undergo the same program all at the one time and they find that they get a lot of really heavy group processes developing . ’
9 ‘ I think what 's interesting is … the people ( at The Mind Gym ) who are doing this thing , they do a lot of communal work where a lot of people will undergo the same program all at the one time and they find that they get a lot of really heavy group processes developing . ’
10 This requires that they get a Manchester userid , which can be obtained via a Manchester representatives at the computing centre at their institution .
11 Cos you can only use them up to about four I would think cos other , other than that they get a bit too big for them do n't they ? he could do with a little slide in the garden
12 After all , trades councils are the local versions of the T U C , and so it would seem appropriate that they get a say at the T U C Congress itself .
13 Space must be left so that they get an uninterrupted view , extra lighting may need to be laid on and someone must be on hand to make sure the photograph has an accurate caption .
14 Overall , even if they do get the paper they want , it does not follow that they get the political coverage they want .
15 Everything within reason must be done to ensure not only that children are not neglected but that they get the best upbringing possible … .
16 That is only one reason why we must ensure that they get the best possible education and training .
17 And to stimulate their observation we must give them suitable subjects , within their personal experience — and we must see that they get the experience of looking and observing the visual world around them .
18 It is designed to be taken by people who are on a weight-loss diet , in order that they get the correct daily balance of vitamins and minerals .
19 To ensure that they get the right amount , vegetarians mix proteins from a variety of sources .
20 Do we not owe it to community charge payers in each of those areas to ensure that the best value is obtained for their money and that they get the most efficient service ?
21 I think it 's very important that we do n't neglect er people who live in rural areas and that we do in fact ensure that they get the same sort of provision erm that they do elsewhere .
22 It 's the role of the resource development department , to ensure that they get the advise and help they need to do this , either from N C V O or from others .
23 Part of the reason for doing it is is we can actually say we did it , so we can tell people despite the fact that they get the programme .
24 Various other places too , so they get a good idea of the English language as it 's spoken in the nineteen nineties .
25 Right so so they get the answer .
26 Once the children break into an idea in language , once they get a sense of a distinction , they quickly ‘ turn around ’ on their own usage and make remarkable strides towards linguistic understanding .
27 Er , they reckon they grow two to three foot a year they 're the fast grow ones , once they get a hold , they start growing and they shoot up each week and when they start shooting up , that 's when , you 've got to keep them watered , and you 've got to feed them with that plant stuff do you know what I mean ?
28 but once they get a
29 No , I think our two , they 'll , they 'll stop eventually once they get a bit , a bit older .
30 Do you think that the idea of a adjustability er you say that they were snapped up , do you think that people actually once they get an adjustable light fitting , do you think that they actually adjust it ?
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