Example sentences of "[conj] the only time " in BNC.

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1 It may be that the only times the parents show joint concern is when the child misbehaves and so the child continues to be difficult as it keeps the family together .
2 The main obstacle was that the only time available for training was late at night .
3 I knew that the only time I had actually seen them was when I had wiped or picked away my own pus .
4 If we relate this to the changes in the Labrador Sea we see ( Fig. 2 a ) that the only time there has been such a long period with little or no change in salinity , followed by a sudden marked freshening , was the period leading up to the renewal in 1972 .
5 Another said , ‘ I do n't like the implication that the only time we ever think about what we are doing is when we 've got an appraisal ’ .
6 Increasingly it had seemed that the only time Laura saw Ross was when he slid into bed at night , and would once again become the demanding and passionate lover she had married .
7 That the only time he can see me is next Tuesday night ?
8 From everything she says , it 's clear this gilgul 's been on the scene for quite a while — there is no way she could have learned what she 's learned , cleaned up her act and become who she is now if the only time she 's had to do it in was the brief interval between our confrontation at the Mephistco stand and her appearance on the beach at Bournemouth .
9 Wonder if the only time I was , when I saw this , was
10 The only times I do not want to be a writer are when I want to be a painter , and the only times I want to be a painter are when I am taken by the cast or mobility on a person 's face .
11 There is no outside view of any sort and the only time they leave the cell is for weekend visits from relatives , bi-daily showers or for 45 minutes ' daily exercise .
12 I 'd promised my mother I 'd buy her some new central-heating , and the only time it could be fitted was the next week , so I needed to be home for Monday when the workmen came round .
13 There was no door between the kitchens and the alley at the back , only a curtain of brown and yellow beads that clicked when there was a breeze , which was just about never because it was summer and the only time the air moved was when Zervos waved his short arms or a truck went past outside .
14 They let me get on with my job and the only time I see them is to get things rubber-stamped . ’
15 Now those are arteries , that 's the pulmonary artery but it 's coming back to the heart okay , that 's the only time you 're going to find the rule reversed , arteries leave the heart , veins come back to the heart , and the only time that rule is reversed is when you 're linking the heart and the lungs through the pulmonary vein and the pulmonary artery , however , they are still carrying , the arteries are still carrying oxygen charged blood , yes , because it 's come fresh from the lungs so it 's still carrying nice red lovely oxygenated blood , yes , even though it 's coming back into the heart , that is because it 's come fresh from the lungs and the vein although it 's going in the opposite direction the way you normally expect it , is still carrying the old rotten , you know , used up blood , because it 's going back to the lungs to be recharged , do you understand it alright ?
16 You 're going to get a real whipping now , and the only time you speak is to tell us you 're ready to inform on your friends .
17 Erm my mother , we were a little bit better off than they were and er I remember going to a child with my mother , to see what would be my aunt you see and uncle , and the only time I ever remember seeing my aunt with eleven children was sitting at the corner of a table with a sort of a coarse apron on and just sitting there and I never saw her doing anything .
18 And the only time you would get a new pair was if the top part of the shoe
19 And when I say the country I do n't mean one of those villages just off the motorway full of people just like us buying Australian Chardonnay from the local wine merchant and the only time you hear an ooo-aarr accent is when you 're listening to the Archers in the bath .
20 I 'm based on the moons of Jupiter from now on , and the only time I 'll come back to earth will be strictly on a day-trip basis .
21 Okay , bearing in mind single life , does include a life of another , and the only time we can use that life for another , is the one we mentioned there with where the employer wishes to take a plan on the life of the employee .
22 Jayne , it seems , never spoke to Isabelle and the only time she smiled at her was when she learnt that Chris and Isabelle were splitting up .
23 Indeed , the basic model assumes that wages and prices are fixed and the only time we allowed them to rise was after the attainment of full employment .
24 But the only time there are good conditions is in the morning . ’
25 He would soon use these newly acquired talents in the play Jimmy Shine , but the only time in which he has attempted to sing on film were in his two biggest turkeys — Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me ? and Ishtar .
26 No , I 'm ashamed to say it but the only time I 've seen Leeds away was the charity shield at wembley .
27 This is really rather unfair because the only time we can really define correctly is in hindsight — when we have already found the solution and are merely inventing a definition that would have led us there !
28 No er not , not really because the only time I , I wa I was in trouble with the police was I was riding a bike without a light .
29 Michael was not sure , because the only time he had flown , to Dublin , he 'd been sick , aware only of noise and vibration , and his ears behaving strangely .
30 Because the only time I approached the the man was when my revolver was the holster and the holster was done up .
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