Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] a greater " in BNC.

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1 Looking after the status quo is rather more their tendency , so we can perhaps expect a greater emphasis on defence with rather less activity from the operatives up front — the strikers .
2 Greater understanding of what goes on in school does n't necessarily mean a greater approval of its organisation and its methods .
3 When I am not convinced that those er the areas outside those boundaries which are in dire need of urban regeneration , could not accommodate a greater proportion over over the planned period .
4 Thus there is evidence that the better educated do not show a greater consonance between general principles of fairness and particular stances on racial issues , but may show greater flexibility in justifying the laying aside of abstract principles ( Sniderman et al . ,
5 Having conquered the killer epidemics of infectious diseases it seems strange that we do not have a greater life expectancy in this sense too .
6 Would this not indicate a greater love of dogma than a love of man ?
7 I quote the 1986 agreement under which the industry agreed ’ to take special care to ensure that their advertising and promotion does not represent a greater attraction to young people than to the population as a whole . ’
8 Since Bush 's State of the Union address , Congress had moved at an unusually rapid pace to adopt a tax package which would be responsive to his demands but would also shift a greater proportion of the tax burden on to the wealthy .
9 It would also restore a greater degree of control to individual officers in dealing with cases .
10 Responsibility for developing standards will also require a greater interest than hitherto in the effectiveness of clinical care ( Williamson , 1990 ) , something that will require considerable briefing .
11 The UN could also play a greater part in regulating regional conflicts , such as in Afghanistan .
12 I do hope that the church will now take a greater interest in , and responsibility for , nature conservation — here is an opportunity right on their doorsteps ! "
13 He also pointed out that the Nile , if it flooded , might well drown a greater number of people than all the refugees .
14 When these are compared with the word ’ river ’ and its definition ( which might contain words like ’ stream ’ , ’ water ’ , ’ flow ’ , etc. ) , we can immediately see a greater overlap with the geographical definition of ’ bank ’ .
15 Testimonies lived out in daily life may frequently have a greater impact for eternity than many a well-delivered sermon .
16 The greater likelihood of their being admitted to an institution in Ipswich may well reflect a greater availability of beds or of places in residential accommodation , as well as a different attitude towards home care on the part of the psychogeriatrician ( researchers ' fieldnotes indicated that he was more preoccupied by the notion of patients being ‘ at risk ’ in the community than was the case with the Newham psychogeriatrician ) .
17 This should arguably supply a greater surface for bacteria than gravel — internal and external as the media is porous — and wo n't cost a great deal more or less than gravel .
18 The court held that this was a breach of the Convention guarantee of free speech , because it would deter journalists from contributing to public discussions of issues affecting the life of the community : " The limits of acceptable criticism are wider as regards a politician as such than as regards a private individual … the former inevitably and knowingly lays himself open to close scrutiny of his every word and deed by both journalists and the public at large , and he must consequently display a greater degree of tolerance . "
19 Such a scheme would undoubtedly provide a greater degree of certainty than under the present law but would be open to the objection that it would leave without redress any persons suffering injury from an unlisted activity , whether omission arose from ignorance of the risk or commercial or political pressures on the government of the day .
20 You have fish which are notorious for making the water dirty , so must either have a greater volume — a bigger tank — or a better filtration system .
21 Bukharin specifically warned against tying up too many resources in long-term capital projects , and argued for a balanced approach which would actually yield a greater product :
22 After all , some dot matrix printers can actually produce a greater number of dots per inch than a page printer , it 's just that they are bigger dots and tend to overlap .
23 It also implies the need to harmonize UK and EC competition policies , and to make clear the division of labour between them : this will almost certainly imply a greater role for EC policy , and a diminution of the authority of UK policy and institutions .
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