Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] at least " in BNC.

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1 In 1912 the Labour Party overcame its caution sufficiently to agree at least to inquire into the feasibility of such a strike .
2 Whereas in the past such external supports of the superego might have been strong enough to compensate at least in part for faulty superego development as a result of difficulties at the phallic-Oedipal stage and might have contributed to the unresolved Oedipal conflict expressing itself as a typical hysteria or obsessional neurosis , today , because such supports are in large part lacking , the outcome is not likely to be the same .
3 It is clear that the lexical representation is flexible enough to meet at least some of the demands of real speech , and certainly adequate for the experiments that will be described in the following chapters .
4 The customer has relaxed sufficiently to volunteer at least a couple of personal details ( about outside interests , family , etc ) .
5 ‘ Doctor , while I can appreciate your academic enjoyment at finding an intellectual equal , I really think you might do better to devote at least some of your attention to the lesser mortals who have been caught up in — ‘
6 If an animal is a parent , it must be good enough to survive at least to adulthood .
7 In Gillick terms , the ability to make an informed request assumes the child to be old enough to make at least that decision for himself .
8 We were confident of our place in it and of our ability if not to predict at least to handle any untoward eventualities .
9 Alan says : ’ I was amazed at the advice I received because their Mitchell Philpott told me not to transfer at least for the time being .
10 I only mean to preface this discussion of cultural difference with an awkward question : in the world we have , is it possible for us — any of us — not to have at least some inferior others ?
11 The vernacular of any way of life can only be absorbed ‘ through the skin ’ by immersing oneself in its people ; and to this end you would be foolish not to spend at least a year ( preferably two ) working on mixed farms in the district in which you hope to settle , making friends and winning the respect of the countrymen who will be your neighbours .
12 These points should be should be looked into but as I say I take my hat off to infer at least having been loyalty to defend the inquest .
13 Well now , during this twelve months I went out on the beats etcetera , I just merely picked it up , if I was in doubt about anything my sergeant would put me right and the atmosphere , the amount of discipline was quite severe , for instance , I always , we had always to parade at least ten minutes before the hour to be acquainted with what had happened since we were last on duty .
14 ‘ Fierce public opposition , including from the workers at both yards , thwarted their plans and compelled both to pay at least lip service to keeping both dockyards open .
15 To gain the title of Nordic Champion , it is necessary to be a champion in the country of origin and also to achieve at least one certificate in each of the other countries .
16 The first jobs through the system should be paralleled through the current process as well to provide at least a degree of insurance against total disaster .
17 Further good news is that more and more survivors are regularly meeting together , often to unburden themselves , sometimes to experience at least the psychological satisfaction of knowing that they 're not alone .
18 It was not in fact until a newly legalised Solidarity had been successful at the polls and formed a majority administration in 1989 that the making of public policy began again to command at least a minimum of public acceptability .
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