Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] to allow the " in BNC.

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1 But to say " all barristers in chambers at 4 Dr Johnson 's Buildings are thieves " would be sufficiently specific to allow the dozen or so barristers in those chambers to take action .
2 Some may seek to argue that a lesser crime is committed , because they would like the law to be sufficiently flexible to allow the ‘ mercy-killer ’ to avoid facing a charge of murder .
3 Language is sufficiently flexible to allow the construction of an infinite variety of singular terms which do not designate any entity .
4 Unfortunately the strength of these aluminous porcelains was only sufficient to allow the system to be used at the front of the mouth and less aesthetic materials had to be used for molar teeth .
5 It 's just possible Mr Deputy Speaker , it 's just possible I may not be selected for all kinds of reasons but if I was selected it might at least give the people of that lovely part of the world the chance of having the referendum they never had over Maastricht because of the shameful way in which the Labour party was not willing to allow the people to have their say on that vital issue .
6 But many companies are not prepared to allow the necessary time , despite the fact that without the language in some countries it is impossible to operate .
7 It is very important indeed to ensure that the staff of G C H Q are not subject to potential conflicts of interest and as I said earlier the Prime Minister and I listened for some considerable time to the s to er to the points put forward by the trade unions to see whether or not that overriding er national objective could be maintained but we were not convinced , we were not convinced that erm the trade unions could overcome those potential conflicts of interest and it behoves ill the party opposite to try and put a different gloss on the fact that we in this country thanks to our legislation , have put harmony in place of strife and we are not prepared to allow the opposition to put that major achievement at risk .
8 He laid its foundations , but it was not finished when he met his Waterloo and the Allies who defeated him were not inclined to allow the work on the Arch to continue .
9 George Spotswood observed that the Irish Union , while recognising the problem of time-wasting in the scrum , is nevertheless keen to allow the side with a stronger scrummage to take advantage of it .
10 Cut the hole at each side just sufficient to allow the patch to be passed through .
11 Chill for 2 hours or preferably overnight to allow the flavours to improve ; remove the cinnamon stick from the sauce and serve .
12 I am hoping , with all my artistic heart , that this report turns out to be a myth , as I have tested a whole range of media including oils , only to discover what could be considered a negative quality in me : I am too damned impatient to allow the oils to dry before continuing with the painting !
13 The range and scale of discovery sought is not perhaps strictly relevant , but in practice courts were more ready to allow the use of discovery under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure when relatively modest demands were made .
14 Ministers , therefore , were airily content to allow the Europhobes on both sides of the Commons to let off steam in the twilight zone of arcane — and effectively futile — argument as the bill made its gruelling passage through committee stage .
15 Listings are then prepared to allow the assessor to undertake the task with the best possible information .
16 This is the path generally chosen by visitors going to Coiruisg , and once the hill-top is reached , the guides are quite contented to allow the visitor to see a small comer of lake .
17 It is sometimes useful to allow the Set or Reset condition to take effect only when a pulse is applied to a third input called the Clock ( Ck ) .
18 Although chalk is a very pure limestone it is mechanically too weak to allow the development of large underground cavities .
19 In contradistinction to the indolent paupers who sponged off the Poor Rate and exploited pay make-up , and the hard-working landless town dweller who also suffered , he further cited the most respectable portion of the peasantry who were prevented from rising above the nominal low price of hire , so that the wage level ‘ must soon fall too low to allow the most abstemious worker to maintain himself .
20 Cusick 's original construction drawing had the midriff too narrow to allow the skirt flats to meet smoothly and so the midriff was widened .
21 It recently boycotted a visit by a South African diplomat to Darlington , saying it was too early to allow the economic barriers erected against the country 's apartheid policies to be brought down .
22 The bonds were too tight to allow the muscular body any movement , but the bird crossly jerked its head and opened its pointed beak to hiss at Joseph 's fingers .
23 She wanted to cry out in protest against his charge , but her throat was too tight to allow the words to escape .
24 The duration of such responses would , however , be too great to allow the rapid succession of contractions needed to maintain the high frequency of the wing beat in many efficient flyers .
25 My mother will , of course , succeed , being a very determined person ; this day is far too important to allow the caterers or hoteliers to dictate the proceedings .
26 Finally , the reasons for moving ministers frequently have little to do with ability and the time spent in any particular office is often too short to allow the minister to master the subject and the department .
27 Out with the toolkit , some minor surgery and the cable now connects perfectly although it 's still too short to allow the tablet to go anywhere other than on the right or directly behind the Spectrum .
28 ‘ That snipping is absolutely essential to allow the final virus to assemble . ’
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