Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] to take [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He would find somewhere high to take stance and think .
2 Under these circumstances it is likely that some schools will be less willing to take pupils with special educational needs .
3 I had not thought she was sufficiently interested to take sides one way or the other .
4 And he may well have been correct in thinking that , in France at any rate , such men were less likely to take advantage of women .
5 The overweight person , on the other hand , is usually not so mindful of internal sensations as a cue for eating or abstaining , and is less likely to take exercise as an antidote to excess indulgence .
6 The market is less active , people are less likely to take risks with things they know nothing of in the hope of growth so perhaps the recession has affected the USM more severely than people have given credit for .
7 Plotting , planning and trouble-making are far less likely to take place under such a regime .
8 ‘ Now , now , Schätzchen , you must n't be so quick to take offence . ’
9 In a society where lesbians and gay men are a small but significant minority , and where individuals experience various forms of oppression and discrimination because of their sexuality , fair representation is only likely to take place within some form of public service broadcasting .
10 ( 3 ) Even if the nature of these qualities of pleasure and pain are themselves unproblematic , it is said that what people want ( or want to avoid ) is not necessarily any kind of private experience , but just as often objective states of affairs in the public world , and it is thought no less reasonable to take account of wants of this sort than those for private experiences .
11 As his furniture workshops expanded Gimson was less able to take part in the actual processes of making : his chief role became that of director and designer .
12 Only able to take part in a limited range of activities at home and particularly seriously , she is only able to hold a conversation by the laborious method of tapping out her comments on ticker tape through using her cannon communicator .
13 By 1966 , the Church was better able to take advantage of the new interest in its separatist stance because it now had a core of Ulstermen who had been converted under Ian Paisley s preaching and who had grown up with his politicized evangelicalism .
14 Finally , firms that do extensive R&D seem to be better able to take advantage of the experience generated by travelling down the learning curve ( see Lieberman , 1984 ) .
15 The businessman should be better able to take care of himself in the transaction , and therefore should require little protection .
16 I was now better able to concentrate and better able to take stock .
17 LVi. 284 Rydal Mount , near Kendal December 23rd 1827 My dear Sir , You will , I hope , before this reaches you , have received a parcel for your Mother and directed to your care which a Friend of mine , going to Leeds , was so kind to take charge of .
18 ‘ Businesses proved extremely keen to take part , ’ adds Mr Sunman .
19 In extreme circumstances if it is not possible to take leave before leaving due to work demands then it may be possible for the employee to be paid .
20 Prior to the elections only Colorado had approved term limits ( not due to take effect until 2002 ) , although California and Oklahoma had imposed term limits on state officials in 1990 .
21 She sees the person who successfully survives the hazards of the middle years becoming someone in their own right who is not afraid to take responsibility and to admit to ‘ what I really feel ’ .
22 We , as a Council , are not willing to take part in this shoddy scheme but we 'll we will continue to work to provide high q quality real training to the people of the district and to work with business and industry to develop real jobs .
23 The travel agencies were not prepared to take Reichsmarks for journeys to be made beyond the German frontier .
24 Nevertheless , he was not prepared to take chances , so he checked and rechecked the security of the box and the store-room below in case vandals from a nearby village might be intending to pay him an unwelcome visit .
25 I think any student going through higher education is getting something from it if they come in as some measure sceptical , in some measure critical , that they 're not prepared to take things at face value .
26 Although the Macmillan cabinet pressed management to delay a settlement , ministers were not prepared to take responsibility for a breakdown in negotiations ; when the industry settled , the Prime Minister publicly rebuked management for capitulating to the unions and breaching the pay pause ( 1982 : 225–6 ) .
27 I am not prepared to take action until the facts have been established .
28 When such researchers have been doing just this for over 100 years , is it not sensible to take note of what they are saying ?
29 Er notes to all students , it says it is not acceptable to take food and drinks into the corridors .
30 You can get programmable fax machines , but they 're very expensive , so it 's not easy to take advantage of cheap phone rates either .
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