Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the direction " in BNC.

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1 It was , he said , a ‘ good time for us as Conservatives to think afresh about the direction of British politics ; about where we have come from , what we are doing , and where the future is taking our nation and our party . ’
2 Erm thanks very much for the directions er you gave me , it 's quite awkward coming off the main road there cos you really have
3 Imagine the Sun at the centre of a giant clock , with 6 o'clock as the direction of the Galactic centre .
4 The theory is that its internal air pocket will ‘ bounce ’ back the dolphin 's sonar signal , regardless of the direction of approach .
5 This is achieved by assigning a higher weight to the actual terms in the search than to any see also terms , regardless of the direction of the relation .
6 Buthelezi announced that he intended to submit this constitution to a popular referendum within the region and declared that if approved " the new constitution will stand in force , regardless of the direction taken by the constitutional process of South Africa " .
7 We must restore German myth and make ourselves worthy of our great predecessors — Luther , as well as our artists and poets ; but we can only do so under the direction of the Dionysiac impulse .
8 Why should a mixed bag of businesses perform better under the direction of a headquarters team , rather than as individual firms responding to external commercial pressures ?
9 He swung himself nimbly over the fence and was disconcerted to come face to face with Henry Yaxlee , walking purposefully from the direction of the school .
10 In particular , examples have been found of periodic behaviour occurring at higher r than chaotic for the same values of b and P. Changes are not necessarily in the direction of greater randomness the further one goes from the first instability of steady solutions .
11 For many years attempts at a complete traverse of the two peaks was naturally in the direction of the Grand Dru/Petit Drug , since it was possible to rope down the infamous ‘ Z ’ pitch and the more difficult south west flank of the Petit Dru to the Flammes de Pierre .
12 Because 74.3 per cent of the Scottish people who voted , opted for parties that supported constitutional change , and if they all blew hard enough in the direction of St Andrew 's House , the walls were eventually bound to fall down .
13 Two days later , Andrew Manners went riding alone in the direction of Wild Tor .
14 With that he relaxed his grasp and set off alone in the direction of the Chelonians .
15 He glanced pointedly in the direction of the mother of Nogai .
16 He glanced pointedly in the direction of the Sechem .
17 " Most people take notice of me , " he said , " but , " looking pointedly in the direction of Eva , newly returned to work .
18 ‘ Those of us who selected the Royal Fusiliers because of historic links or family ties may feel that allowing criminals to join our ranks simply because we 're at war is hardly likely to advance the regiment 's reputation , ’ he said , looking pointedly in the direction of Tommy .
19 Clearly television is not the only reason for falling gates — affluence and a consequently greater variety of choice in entertainment , a desire to participate in physical exercise rather than watch , hooliganism , suburban family-centredness , and feminism are other factors all pulling more or less in the direction of declining live attendance .
20 As we shall see in the next chapter , in natural materials like wood , the long-chain molecules are arranged roughly parallel to the length of the tree , that is to say , more or less in the direction of the most important stresses .
21 It would be helpful if matching promises could now be made by Washington , London and Paris , that they will exercise their residual responsibilities only in the direction requested by the German people , and by Bonn , that the German right of self-determination will be exercised only in consultation with the three Western Allies .
22 His approach , in its essentials , was formed by the early 1930s , and he extends it during the 1940s only in the direction of even greater pessimism : cultural ‘ totalitarianism ’ becomes absolute .
23 A dish in any Pacific city east of the longitude of Mexico City — Lima , say , or Quito , or Santiago — will be cranked down in the direction of an equally low point on the eastern horizon — for just as American naval vessels involved in exercises off the Pacific coasts of Peru , Ecuador or Chile are regarded as being part of the US Atlantic Fleet , so communicators , for reasons of pure geometry , think of these countries ' capital cities as part of the Atlantic communications network .
24 Particles moved up the beach by the breaking waves do so normal to the direction of approach of the waves , but they roll down in the direction of the steepest beach gradient .
25 Leaning over , Grant pointed his torch down in the direction of the black mass of shrubbery where he knew Larsen was crouched , and flashed the pencil beam twice .
26 When you have noted the area where the bream cease to roll and do not appear again in the immediate vicinity , the terminal point will be a few yards further along in the direction they were travelling .
27 Amdahl Corp believes that its Huron applications development and production system is a winner , and rather than leave it stranded on the mainframe under MVS , it is taking it along in the direction the market is moving with two new versions , one that runs under its UTS implementation of Unix System V on its mainframes , the other for Unix workstations , the first version of the latter being for 80486-based machines under Unix .
28 I have just sat down on the wet grass when everyone around me starts to move swiftly in the direction of the wooded area just visible through the mist and gloom .
29 Always aim to look first one way and then the other , move both head and shoulders together in the direction in which you want to look ; avoid turning the head .
30 Man and boy went off together in the direction of the kitchen garden .
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