Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the moment " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That 's all right for the moment , but I hope , Jane , that you 'll look higher than domestic activity , and think about a better way of using your energy and intelligence in the service of God . ’
2 Carry on for the moment . ’
3 In barracks he was where Sims could find him and while he did n't expect much from Sunday dinner in a near-deserted mess , just being back with the Army was sauce enough for the moment .
4 Children all well — oh ! and she 's to have another next June … hopes for another girl as three boys are quite enough for the moment .
5 ‘ Quite enough for the moment ! ’
6 The crisis was over , but only for the moment .
7 Others unashamedly hugged each other as they realised the Government was off the hook , if only for the moment .
8 He lives only for the moment , and he is already a changed man .
9 He had no need of this mewed , motionless falcon , waiting now only for the moment and the means to shake off her jesses .
10 ‘ I prefer to keep our heads down for the moment .
11 Er put your hands down for the moment .
12 Perhaps for the moment we 'd better get on with this search . ’
13 ‘ Thank you , Madame , that will be all for the moment , but , ’ he bent his head close to her ear as they moved towards the door , ‘ I would ask you to act as my eyes and ears when I am not present .
14 ‘ That 'll be all for the moment , ’ he said .
15 So for the moment nothing could be done beyond issuing a warning .
16 And so for the moment I must be watchful , and patient . ’
17 So for the moment I think I 'll just stay possessed . ’
18 can we put can we put problem solving in for the moment ?
19 Instead you manipulate the plots of the others to your own ends , playing one off against the others , letting them waste their energies in fruitless rivalries while you look on from a safe distance , waiting patiently for the moment to make your move , the day when I drop dead and you can come home and claim your own .
20 But that was long after the moment when my pathetic attempt to enlist the so-called forces of darkness on my behalf had backfired . ’
21 They were like two children , who think only of the moment .
22 She thought only of the moment .
23 4 Some reflex actions have to be learnt such as tying a shoe lace , chewing a pencil under stress and biting nails , but others come naturally from the moment we are born like digestion , breathing and jerking our big toe out of the bath water when we have forgotten to turn the cold tap on .
24 The family may choose to minimise differences and emphasise the need to attach and integrate the child within the family network , perhaps from the moment the child enters the family , as part of the love , warmth and attention which a young child needs and which is the hallmark of good parenting .
25 When I was taught chemistry at Regent 's Street Polytechnic in the later 1930s , we 16-year-olds were treated as adults , not incompetents , and were expected to achieve titrations accurate to 1 per cent or less from the moment we began quantitative analysis : for were we not addressed by our splendid lecturers as ‘ Mr ’ ?
26 Since the new hospital had not been large enough from the moment it had been built , prefabricated huts bred fissiparously , and straggled now under the shadow of the main building .
27 Goaded , she replied sharply , ‘ Have n't I done so from the moment of my arrival ?
28 So from the moment of concep conception because females are biologically out-of-gear now have a much higher potentially accepted success .
29 So in the moment of escape from self comes the reminder of isolation .
30 An ‘ only ’ dream has little effect on us ; we may remember it in the morning because it was funny or for some other reason , but it does not disturb us in any way ; most often , we recollect it only in the moments after waking and have forgotten it by the time we get out of bed .
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