Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] deep " in BNC.

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1 It was completely contrary to Lord Darlington 's natural tendencies to take such public stances as he came to do and I can say with conviction that his lordship was persuaded to overcome his more retiring side only through a deep sense of moral duty .
2 Hence the need to stress at the outset that Nizan 's adult development can be correctly understood only as a deep involvement in the communist party , a process of attraction-repulsion in which Nizan was both deeply committed to and deeply compromised by the party itself .
3 At Charing Cross the boatman began to pull in as the deep bend in the river became more pronounced .
4 Because she , she goes in off the deep end and you
5 The river is impressive , tumbling down through a deep gorge , from which it has cut weird and wonderfully shaped holes in the smooth rock .
6 The effect of interrupting sleep after two or three hours is to deny the subjects almost all REM sleep , while allowing them much of the deep slow wave sleep that they might be expected to have in a normal night .
7 As she held the cup of tea to her mouth , she felt herself tumble down into a deep well .
8 Leila began the trance induction , taking Ari down into a deep , relaxed state .
9 As he reached it , the ground fell away from under him and he rolled down into a deep ditch .
10 And the little goblin followed Yanek up the mountain until they reached a high , lonely place where a waterfall ran down into a deep pool .
11 Success in some new industries and London 's continuing world importance in finance during the ‘ upswing ’ from 1933 to 1966 , together with the deep interruption of the Second World War , largely disguised the gradually declining value of the UK 's old international and political role .
12 It is fairly slow in rooting and establishing , especially in a deep tank .
13 Instead the horizon became vaguely apparent — an uneven charcoal line separating the inky sea below from a deep grey stain of sky above .
14 ‘ She staggered and fell ; nearly blinded with the blood that rained down from a deep gash in her forehead ; but raising herself with difficulty … breathed one prayer for mercy to her Maker .
15 We passed like wraiths gripping our anoraks against a colder night wind coming down from the deep indigo silhouetted mountains .
16 In ulcerative colitis most of the TNF α immunoreactivity was seen in the subepithelial macrophages , with comparatively less in the deep lamina preopria , while in Crohn 's disease immunoreactive cells were distributed evenly throughout the lamina propria .
17 Silence came only in the deep watches of the night .
18 We returned from our walk aglow with wind-reddened cheeks , divested ourselves of boots and outer layers of wrapping and flopped down in the deep chairs of the sunset-lit lounge chatting , until David left at around 10 p.m .
19 Meanwhile , down in the deep south — at TVS studios in Southampton to be precise — there was a 4th July menu that ranged from real Texas burgers to an adventurous Lousiana duck .
20 Mix the fruit and vegetables together in a deep bowl ; pour over the dressing ; cover and chill for 2–3 hours .
21 The rest of her sentence died on her lips as Penry took her in his arms with a sound somewhere between a sigh and a groan as their lips met and their bodies flowed together in a deep , primeval need which united them almost at once in a storm of love and need as fierce as the one which raged , unheard , outside .
22 Several courting couples pushed their way along the back rows to cuddle close together in the deep double seats .
23 No one who contemplates the brutal war that has racked Croatia over the last few months can do so without a deep feeling of sorrow and shame : sorrow that such devastation and misery should disfigure our continent in 1991 , and shame that we have been unable to do anything to halt the carnage and destruction .
24 There was a trap-door in the centre of the kitchen floor , which led down to a deep cellar .
25 Interestingly , the shrouds are taken down to a deep , galvanised , mild steel I-beam which runs between this bulkhead and the main bulkhead forward of the mast : ties are not taken down to the hull itself , so the lockers and shelving behind the settees remain unobstructed .
26 The sound died down to a deep rumbling , a mummummummum that still had a feel-it-in-the-bone quality .
27 But you can see if this lot gets converted to carbonate and then that water then gets mixed down to the deep water , it will be replaced at the surface with water which has a low carbonate concentration which will suck more C O two out of the atmosphere .
28 On his left — but for the bungaloid eruption — ; there would have been sand dunes going down to the deep blue sea of the Channel ; the stretch of golden sand — had it not been for the litter — making a gentle curve for five miles .
29 He stood up and walked down to the deep end as he spoke , then he dived in , surfacing at least halfway down the pool , then covering several more lengths in a leisurely crawl .
30 I 'm only gon na get it four foot deep with it anyway it would n't be four foot deep all over , it 'll start off at two foot and then slightly slope down to the deep part
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