Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] fast as " in BNC.

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1 But the numbers can increase only as fast as fencing , which is expensive .
2 ‘ Hang on , ’ he growled , and zipped the two sleeping bags together as fast as he could with shaking hands .
3 Even encumbered by his painting gear and a heavy camera case , Fen strode along as fast as ever .
4 Not so fast as I 'd like , ’ she says .
5 Stumbling to her feet , she picked up the diaries , slipped the clip into the pocket of her dress , and hurried downstairs as fast as she dared go .
6 Deep safe water was a dark royal blue , while over a coral reef the sea shaded to green or , when perilously shallow , to brown , and Thessy , peering ahead , would shout at me to go to port or starboard , or even to go backwards as fast as the motors would catch hold .
7 Along Heygate Street last night there was n't a pedestrian in sight and cars drove through as fast as they could .
8 In spite of the recession the PSBR continued to fall , though not as fast as had been forecast .
9 The one she guessed was Seb because the hair on his legs was blond was the best , but even then not as fast as Nails , and the other two were in-between , but not nearly as fantastic as she had imagined .
10 Unemployment has fallen in the county , although not as fast as in other parts of the region , but it does appear that some 800 previously unemployed Kent people have gained work as a direct result of the Tunnel .
11 I saw from the clock that Ben had run 10.03 , not as fast as Carl , who had gone below ten seconds again .
12 It melted as it fell , but not as fast as it fell .
13 His wages have increased , but not as fast as everyone else 's .
14 Pensions have increased in real terms over the last twenty years , but not as fast as real personal disposable incomes .
15 The result of all these changes is two-fold , that the UK has been getting richer , but not as fast as the rest of the industrialized world .
16 I 'm afraid my mind does n't move very fast , not as fast as some people 's . "
17 This does n't show through in practice , though , since under Windows , probably one of the most graphically intensive environments you can have , screen updates are acceptably quick , although not as fast as with Windows-optimized accelerated cards .
18 For Windows 3.0 users there is a separate set of drivers held on the drivers disk ( they actually work under 3.1 as well , but not as fast as the proper 3.1 drivers ) .
19 In sum , accelerating accumulation pushed up employment quite rapidly , but not as fast as the stock of capital rose , since mechanization proceeded apace ( figure 8.8 ) .
20 Inflation may accelerate as well , but , if faster scrapping is to occur , not as fast as money wages .
21 Kerly harumphed , and moved off again , walking just as fast as before .
22 Their best ( fastest ) responses were , however , just as fast as when rested , although the number of slow responses ( or gaps in responding ) increased dramatically after the first five minutes .
23 The keys fell to the ground just as fast as the paper , despite the keys being a lot heavier and needing more force .
24 These were walking just as fast as the others — yet , for some reason , they hardly seemed to get any closer to the professor !
25 Low temperatures place them at no obvious disadvantage — they have evolved physiological systems that allow them to move just as fast as temperate or tropical fish , and they are no easier to catch .
26 The Jeep Wranglers receiving so much stick last week were the direct descendants of the vehicle which first surfaced in the Second World War when Ford mass produced the Jeep ( GP from General Purpose ) runabouts to take the invading allies to Berlin just as fast as the film crews could follow the generals .
27 I ran away as fast as I could along the pavement .
28 ‘ Yeah , but I got away as fast as I could , ’ I said .
29 ‘ But , Noreen — ’ But Noreen was already walking away as fast as she could in the direction of the apartment house .
30 As with most young men who had succeeded in sowing casual wild oats , it was a case of get away as fast as you can before they start getting ideas .
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