Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] consider [art] " in BNC.

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1 Presumably you consider the Henley branch of the Brakspear family to be greater benefactors than that St Albans fellow ? ’
2 The problems start , however , once we move on to consider just what rights should be included in any Bill ; once we consider the difficulties of implementation ; and once we assess the implications of any such legally enforced code and written constitution for the functioning of our system especially as these things involve the position of the elected government and the judges .
3 But also they consider the problems and realise that when business is bad these problems may force them to close their Northern Ireland factories .
4 In fact , in Hong Kong 's markets you can buy almost any creature or part thereof you consider a delicacy , from bear 's paw to braised dog .
5 Suppose now we consider an explicitly redistributive tax , with the proceeds per capita being used to finance a lump-sum transfer to workers .
6 Here we consider the economics of the project — perhaps the most important of the arguments that will be aired at the Inquiry — and the lessons that we should have learned from the world 's most serious civil reactor accident so far , that at Three Mile Island .
7 Here we consider the incidence of features which are fore-grounded ( 1.4 ) by virtue of departing in some way from general norms of communication by means of the language code ; for example , exploitation of regularities of formal patterning , or of deviations from the linguistic code .
8 As an example to illustrate the matter a little more fully we consider a dripping tap .
9 Eighty years does n't seem a very long time when you consider the art of acting has been prospering in Europe over the last four hundred or so years , quite apart from the great traditions of ancient Greek drama .
10 At least it does when you consider the Audi 's terrific grip and handling , tireless brakes and great refinement .
11 Extreme opinions are taken up — which is not easy to understand when you consider the principles involved .
12 This may be seen as very significant today when we consider the way that advertising and women 's magazines continue to portray women as finding all their fulfilment in the home .
13 Four English Tory Members were members of the Committee considering the Bill and we look forward with interest to see whether that number will rise to seven when we consider the Scottish education Bill because the fidelity of the Hon. Member for Dumfries and the right Hon. Member for Kincardine and Deeside ( Mr. Buchanan-Smith ) can not be relied upon .
14 Commonly we consider a disease to be the symptoms that we experience when ill but if we are to take the susceptibility into account then we need a word to include it in this larger view of disease .
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