Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] looked [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Instinctively I looked around the corridor to try and spot the lurking animal activist .
2 Interestingly enough I looked into the same situation in America and Germany and in all three mighty industrial countries six out of the top ten firms had gone .
3 I think just to answer that the , the pitch , because obviously I looked into this , and tried to get a reduction ,
4 So I looked through this device and er found what the reading it gave , so I went to my map and I found that that 's where Mars should have been .
5 And so I looked at my uneasy mistress with an anxious and angry eye which she was unable to meet .
6 So I looked at the two men again .
7 So I looked at sheet , I said it 's opposite Queen 's Road .
8 Well there 's one there , there 's one there and there 's one round the back , so I looked in that one
9 Suddenly she looked at her watch .
10 Only you looked at me so , and then … ’
11 So she looked at Neva 's hand and into her eyes , and told her , " You will be lucky , for the sun is your kinsman , born in the same hour .
12 Clusters of actions so she looked at things like the use of the hands the use of the feet the use of the eyes erm and what she called the centre line .
13 So she looked at me as if to say well I have n't got one at all .
14 Lastly she looked at Paige .
15 Mechanically she looked in the mirror .
16 Emmie only minded because sometimes when Marjorie came in she looked round her in a funny way , sharp and frowning and asked Dad if Mrs Hellyer could n't come more often .
17 ‘ So when Gustav Eismark came to the Secretariat , ’ Sims went on , ‘ naturally we looked in the files about him .
18 We were disappointed when Sheffield Wednesday turned down our bid for David Hirst so we looked at the situation again and decided that Cantona was the best .
19 So we looked at just the , th the histology of the patient and related it to the prognosis .
20 I had found myself staggering from one situation to the next … we decided then that I was doing the same thing wrong you see , and so we looked at the actual practice …
21 And in doing so we looked at er other routes than shown on that plan there in order to encourage traffic to use those options .
22 So we looked at two areas where we 've erm we were both very weak , erm , and I do n't we could even , we could n't even see it with regards this .
23 Lastly we looked at the way in which the form of words is affected by the sender 's knowledge and idea of the receiver 's knowledge .
24 But suddenly they looked like two strangers .
25 So they looked for somewhere else .
26 So they looked for the form and they could n't find it .
27 Together they looked at huge bound tomes which contained drawings by the Wardley ancestors on the Grand Tour — ‘ Great Uncle Charles , died of pneumonia in Genoa , ’ she snorted as she closed his sketchbook and picked up a folio of the architecture of Rome , Naples and the Campagna .
28 He held her arm and together they looked into the coffin .
29 It would save her waiting for the rain to stop , and the way the rain was pelting down it looked as if it never would stop .
30 Perhaps it looked like mummy .
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