Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] allowing [art] " in BNC.

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1 We are able to calculate the population for the late 17th century when a census was taken throughout Kent to enumerate the various religious bodies i.e. the number of Conformists , Catholics and Nonconformists , the return for Hailing showing 60 Conformists , no Catholics or Nonconformists , so allowing this figure was for adults only and allowing an average of 40 children for 60 adults this gives us a total of 100 .
2 At the meeting Eduard Shevardnadze , the Soviet Foreign Minister , proposed the " decoupling " of the internal and external aspects of unification so that the former could be completed swiftly while allowing a unified Germany 's security status to be resolved over a number of years .
3 In such a distinctly chic composition this hybrid between trelliswork and pergola helps contain the garden at ground level rather than allowing the view to be dominated by the high surrounding urban walls .
4 The possible solutions will depend on the severity of the handicap , but parents should be encouraged to consider ways in which their children might remain creatively active , thus continuing the process of education rather than allowing the person to retrogress .
5 Secondly , the professional may insist upon controlling the work that he or she does rather than allowing the administrator to impose control .
6 If an employer is faced with the situation where an employee has , in his own time and using his own equipment , developed a useful computer program , then the employer should immediately try to reach agreement as regards questions of ownership and use of the programs with the employee concerned , rather than allowing the program to be used without such agreement .
7 The Communists claimed that the ILP Member , John McGovern , had weakened the demonstration by trying to present its demands to Parliament himself , rather than allowing the leaders of the NUWM to do so .
8 Until the manner in which such goods are dispersed within regions is better understood we can only assume , at present , that places with very high consumption are also the points of distribution where a paramount controlled such prestige exchange , consuming most locally and allowing the passage of a little to other places .
9 Sat there through the night , closing my eyes at times , then opening them slowly and allowing the glass to impose itself .
10 He accepted that it might well be difficult for practitioners to give instant answers to queries on old files , but pointed out that allowing a seven day delay for answers to be prepared would increase the number of days required for each visit ; this would both increase disruption to practitioners and put up costs , possibly even doubling them .
11 Above all , the notes need to be spot on while allowing the overall rhythm to flow smoothly .
12 The proembryoes can be frozen and stored , and their availability improves the chance of success of in vitro fertilizations as well as allowing a woman to have another child a year or two after the first .
13 They are very comfortable to wear and give excellent support to the arch of the foot , as well as allowing a better fit around the heel .
14 The project was to be funded for one year with money from the Telethon Trust , which paid for the author 's post , that of development worker , as well as allowing a substantial budget ; the overall aim was to establish a leisure service for disabled people within the Northern Health Region .
15 A sedentary existence or a job that keeps you standing around for hours is liable to encourage a poor circulation as well as allowing the buttock and thigh muscles to become weak and flabby , making cellulite much worse .
16 The new low aspect ratio keels have been specially designed to give the maximum lift to windward as well as allowing the boat to creep into shallow lagoons and creeks where she can dry out without any difficulty thus opening up previously unexplored regions throughout the world .
17 As well as allowing the ‘ hard-core ’ countries to reduce their rates recently ( with the obvious exception of France ) , the process of easing German monetary policy should allow a reduction in some of the currency anomalies that have arisen over the past six months .
18 This technique involves feeding the child orally but allowing the food to pass out through a surgically produced fistula at the side of the neck .
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