Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] claim that " in BNC.

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1 The other half of this group ( about a quarter of the entire sample ) either rejected the Authority 's recommendations entirely or claimed that although they agreed with them in principle they were prevented from implementing them by unsuitable classroom conditions or other school circumstances .
2 And I like to think in fifty or a hundred years ' time it will not be possible for any orchestra to play sloppily and claim that it is not possible to do better .
3 Some sociologists , particularly phenomenologists , take the argument further and claim that it is impossible for sociologists to find the causes of human action .
4 Some sociologists have argued that inequalities in industrial societies are being progressively reduced ; others go further and claim that class divisions are disappearing .
5 Galileo took the argument further and claimed that the correctness of his law of inertia could be demonstrated by dropping a stone from the top of the mast of a uniformly moving ship and noting that it strikes the deck at the foot of the mast , although Galileo did not claim to have performed the experiment .
6 In fact , one could go further and claim that the negative image of the Jew provided a common denominator which was able to combine and provide justification for all these ideological themes .
7 A stronger form of sceptical argument would , however , threaten both notions at once and claim that any defect in the notion of knowledge is equally present in that of justified belief .
8 One such protagonist has recently gone so far as to claim that Aristotle 's Phantasmata — the mental images that are involved in most or all mental activities — are identical with the symbols on which computational procedures are carried out .
9 Cranmer indeed went so far as to claim that : ‘ where the word of God was adversary and against his authority , pomp , covetousness , idolatry and superstitious doctrine , he [ the pope ] , spying this , became adversary unto the word of God , falsifying it , extorting it out of the true sense . ’
10 Although Johnson does not go so far as to claim that the affectless society was responsible for the Moors Murders , she does feel able to argue that the general atmosphere in society at the time had ‘ infected ’ the social system , and that ‘ Brady possibly , Hindley almost certainly , have been victims of fallout ’ .
11 In a passage which reads very oddly indeed today and betrays his naïveté , Durkheim even went so far as to claim that such was the depressing degree of homogeneity in primitive society that its members were actually physically indistinguishable from each other !
12 He goes so far as to claim that this form of control is now ‘ characteristic of the majority of enterprises in the USA and Britain ’ , thereby denying the predominance of the management control form .
13 One theorist has gone so far as to claim that ‘ the viability of the large corporation with diffuse security ownership is … explained in terms of a model where primary disciplining of managers comes through managerial labor markets , both within and outside of the firm ’ .
14 The CPSU Central Committee , reviewing these developments in the early 1970s , went so far as to claim that a ‘ new historical collectivity of people — the Soviet people ’ had come into existence in the USSR , based upon the ‘ common ownership of the means of production , unity of economic , socio-political and cultural life , Marxist-Leninist ideology , and the interests and communist ideals of the working class ’ .
15 Tyminski declined to concede defeat immediately and claimed that people had been intimidated into voting for Walesa .
16 Some would turn the argument around and claim that the concept of deity is the product of that culture , being no more than an idealisation and personalisation of cultural elements , without any objective existence .
17 Otis engineer William Mulholland said that the lifts were checked regularly and claimed that vandalism or abuse was responsible for a large number of reported breakdowns .
18 Similarly , if a threat that your contract will be broken is withdrawn , you are not entitled to leave subsequently and claim that you have been constructively dismissed .
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